Chapter 21*

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Wanda's eyes flutter open to the sound of rumbling thunder and the gentle patter of rain, creating a tranquil atmosphere in the room. She finds her arms wrapped around your naked body, with your head buried in her bare chest. After sharing another intimate moment at home, you both drifted off to sleep peacefully.

As Wanda wakes up, she notices that the clock shows only 4am. The balcony and window curtains are wide open, allowing her to watch the lightning from the thunderstorm illuminating the room. Her fingers gently thread through the back of your head, massaging your scalp as she holds you tighter. Her mind is restless, as thoughts of last night's events spiral through her head.

She remains still, listening to the beating of her heart and your peaceful sighs. Her hand travels down your bare back, rubbing it soothingly. Suddenly, a crack of thunder startles you, causing you to stir in your sleep. "You're okay," Wanda whispers, pressing her lips to the top of your head. Her green eyes continue to watch the storm, as she tries to find peace in the soothing sounds of the summer night thunderstorm.

However, she can't find comfort.

Should she tell you and get it over with? Or should she keep you in the dark? If she tells you, you may be at risk of danger from her being an Avenger. But if she keeps you in the dark, the burden of her secret will only bring you pain and haunt you.

As Wanda contemplates her options, her heart weighs heavy with the decision she must make. The conflict between protecting you and being honest with you gnaws at her conscience. She knows that revealing her secret as an Avenger could put you in danger, but she also understands that keeping you in the dark will only lead to prolonged suffering.

Her gaze remains fixed on the storm outside, its flashes of lightning illuminating the turmoil within her. The unpredictable nature of the thunderstorm mirrors the turmoil in her mind. Should she risk your safety for the sake of honesty? Is it fair to shield you from the truth, knowing that it will eventually haunt you?

Wanda takes a deep breath, her fingers still caressing your back in a soothing rhythm. She knows that the longer she delays the decision, the harder it will become. With each passing moment, the weight on her shoulders grows heavier, as if the storm outside is a reflection of the storm inside her.

Yet, a glimmer of hope emerges. Perhaps there is a middle ground, a way to protect you while still being honest. Wanda considers the possibility of finding a balance, of confiding in you without putting you directly in harm's way. But the uncertainty of this path lingers and she wonders if it is even attainable.

The rumbling continues and Wanda has made her decision. She chooses to keep you in the dark, but she promises to prove her love and loyalty to you for the rest of her life, no matter what. Despite the secret she's hiding, your support means everything to her. But she also understands that your safety, along with the boys, is of utmost importance. She will do whatever it takes to protect all of you from any harm that may come your way.

Now fully awake, Wanda gently kisses the top of your head and tries to slip out from under the sheets. However, you hold onto her tightly, causing a warm smile to tug at her face as you nuzzle into her chest. Her lips tenderly kiss your head as she rubs your back, whispering, "I'm going to get up, Detka." You stir in your sleep and groggily open your eyes to meet hers.

"Are you okay?" you ask sleepily, glancing at the clock, which shows that it's almost 5am. Wanda smiles even more at you and replies, "I'm fine, baby. I just feel wide awake." There's a rumble of thunder and you nod, still clinging to her. She chuckles at your playful behavior and flips you onto your back, pushing your hair out of your face. "How are you always so beautiful?" she murmurs. You shrug with a teasing smile and say, "I guess I'm flawless." Wanda scrunches up her nose in response.

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