Chapter 36**

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This might be the longest chapter I've written, I didn't know when to end it😅. Let me know if you prefer shorter chapters. Anywho, I hope you enjoy.

Wanda leads you to the entrance, her hand gracefully holding the door open for you. As you step through, the gentle chime rings out, subtly brightening the world of colors inside. Her hand wraps around your waist from behind, offering a protective closeness before she steps around to take the lead again. As she intertwines her fingers with yours, the air around you fills with the rich scent of soil and blossoms, a scent embrace envelops you both.

Sensing your heightened alertness, Wanda squeezes your hand a little tighter, her silent reassurance pulling you deeper into the floral sanctuary. You hesitate just inside, your gaze drifting across the vivid splashes of reds, yellows, and purples that fill the shop. Dressed in your active wear, leggings, and a fleece pullover topped with a baseball cap after your physical therapy session, you feel a mix of comfort and slight vulnerability. Wanda, in her black cardigan, skinny jeans cuffed at the ankles, and ankle high boots, moves with confidence and style, her hair down and sunglasses pushed up to rest on her head.

As her heels click against the floor, leading you deeper into the floral array, she suddenly stops in front of a display of bright marigolds. She pulls you in front of her, wrapping her arm around your waist as she leans forward to inspect the flowers more closely. Her movement is both protective and possessive, a physical reminder of her presence, a contrast to the casual yet poised appearance she maintains.

As she focuses on the marigolds, your fingers absent mindedly caress the delicate petals of a nearby daisy. The softness of the petals uncomfortably reminds you of hospital sheets, stark white and sterile, so unlike the vibrant life bursting around you now. You can almost feel the cool, impersonal touch of the hospital linens against your skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of Wanda's arm encircling your waist.

Her presence, so close and attentive, helps to steady the flutter of unease that dances lightly in your stomach. Your mind unwillingly drifts back to two nights ago, the night you returned from the hospital, the memory sharp and intrusive. The terror of that first PTSD flashback had gripped you, shaking your very core. Wanda's arms had wrapped around you then, firm and secure, grounding you against the cold, hard reality of the bathroom floor.

Just as the memory threatens to overwhelm you, Wanda's voice soothingly pulls you back to reality. "Look at these, love," she says softly, her breath warm against your ear as she points to a cluster of vibrant lilies nearby. "Aren't they beautiful? They'd brighten up our living room, don't you think?"

She leads you over to the lilies, positioning you gently in front of her. Wrapping her arms around you like a protective blanket, she stays close, her presence a comforting shield against the world. "Smell them," she encourages with a soft whisper right behind your ear. "Tell me what you think."

The sweet fragrance of the lilies fills your senses as you lean forward slightly, guided by her suggestion. The simple act of inhaling the fresh, floral scent helps to ease the tightness in your chest, a gentle reminder of the beauty and tranquility that still exists around you.

You respond, with a nod of your head, "I think they would be perfect." She gives your hip a squeeze as she leans to grab some lilies. "I think so as well," she whispers near your ear, her breath tickling your skin. She plants a soft kiss on your cheek, a small but intimate gesture that fills you with a rush of affection and security.

Then, taking your hand again, she leads you gently to the other side of the flower bin. As you walk, the sense of her nearness lift your spirits. You look up at her, catching the light of excitement in her eyes, and decide to delve deeper into her world. "What's the best flower to plant for the fall?" you ask, genuinely wanting to know more about something she's passionate about.

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