Chapter 28⚠️

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⚠️Before proceeding please read book description for possible triggers this chapter may contain; (I don't want to spoil the contents for this chapter on which triggers are in this) please read with caution if any of those triggers affect you⚠️ please don't hesitate to let me know if this is something you guys don't like. ⚠️ I do apologize if there are mistakes in this I've probably rewritten a thousand times to try to get it right.

A week later, you find yourself seated in the living room, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within you. Today marks the culmination of your plan to surprise Wanda at the luncheon where she's being honored for her extraordinary contributions as an Avenger. Natasha, your ever reliable ally, is in on the scheme and assured you she'd swing by to pick you up.

You are dressed for the occasion, your attire carefully chosen to blend elegance with comfort. You wear a Sincere Beige Long Sleeve V-Neck Top, its subtle hue complementing your skin tone, paired with high-waisted skinny dress pants that fit impeccably, highlighting your form. Completing the ensemble are heels that give you an added poise, elevating your stature and confidence.

The gentle hum of Natasha's car pulls up outside your house, a reassuring signal of her arrival. Stepping out onto the porch, the anticipation of the afternoon event hangs noticeably in the air, mingling with the crisp autumn sunlight that bathes the neighborhood in a warm glow, casting long, inviting shadows across the pavement.

Moments later, Natasha emerges from the driver's seat, a mischievous smirk dancing on her lips as she strides toward you. With a quick wink, she gestures toward the open passenger door, a silent invitation for you to join in on the adventure ahead.

"Ready for a little espionage?" she quips, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

You nod eagerly, a smile stretching across your face. "Absolutely," you reply, your voice brimming with anticipation.

With a confident nod, Natasha holds the door open for you, inviting you to step inside. Settling into the passenger seat, you're enveloped by the familiar scent of leather and Natasha's signature perfume, a comforting embrace that sets the tone for the journey ahead.

As the car glides away from the curb, you peer out the window, watching as the familiar streets blur by in a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. Each passing moment fills you with a sense of eager anticipation, the thrill of the unknown tingling at the edges of your consciousness.

Glancing over, Natasha meets your gaze with a knowing smile, effortlessly navigating through the bustling city streets. "Feeling nervous?" she asks, her tone laced with warmth and reassurance.

You shake your head, a confident grin spreading across your features. "Not even a bit," you reply, your voice steady and assured.

Natasha's smile widens at your response, a silent acknowledgment passing between you. "She's lucky to have you," she remarks, genuine admiration coloring her words.

Returning her smile, you're flooded with a profound sense of gratitude for Natasha's unwavering support. "And I'm equally lucky to have her," you respond, sincerity ringing in your voice.

As the car effortlessly maneuvers to a stop outside the venue, you're greeted by the glory of the building's elegant facade. Stepping out into the cool breeze of the autumn afternoon, you feel a surge of excitement coursing through you, the promise of the upcoming event infusing you with a renewed sense of purpose and anticipation.

With a confident stride, you follow Natasha towards the entrance, the energy of the occasion pulsating with every beat of your heart. As you near the elevator door, a rush of exhilaration washes over you, the promise of the afternoon ahead igniting a fire of anticipation within.

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