Chapter 10

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It's been a week since Carol's get together. Her, calling you immediately after you left her house that night staying up with you as you talked about what was bothering you so much. Her attentiveness, and care only made you fall for her even more, not sure if you can keep being around her without giving into your feelings.

Wanda's mind has been gnawing at her, torturing her. She wants to leave Vision but his words makes her scared too. "Who would love you." "You're useless. Washed up. You need me to survive."

Wanda would spend the whole night staring up at the ceiling if not talking to you. Vision staying in a guest room when he's home or in a motel with one of his women.

While she stares up at the ceiling during those long nights her mind fills with you and only you. Planning on how to approach the divorce without conflict knowing she'll be filing within the coming weeks. A smile forms on her face at her revelation. She's stronger than him and doesn't need him for anything. Only needing one thing and that's you. That empty space in her bed belongs to you.

Wanda and the boys are currently doing their usual grocery shopping. Wanda always having to do everything herself. Housework, taking care of the children and her husband, before thinking of herself.

"Okay, Dorogoys. You can pick one extra treat each." Wanda stops in the snack aisle allowing her two boys to go crazy as they search for the perfect snack for themselves. Wanda watches her boys smile like crazy as they pick one snack up then suddenly changing their mind for another.

Wanda chuckles to herself seeing how this decision for them was one of the most important decision they would have to make. Heels coming down the aisle turns Wanda's head when she catches sight of you. Her smile becomes bigger watching you make your way down the aisle waving.

"Hey Wands," you pull her in for a hug Wanda embracing you, holding tighter making your heart melt. "Hi Detka," her voice soft and sweet unlike the squealing of two little boys who finally notice you.

"Y/n!!" They crash into your legs almost making you loose balance in your heels but you steady yourself kneeling down giving them a proper hug. "Hey little munchkins." You tease them watching them light up with at the nickname.

"Can you help us pick a snack?" They look at you hoping for your input on their very important task. "I dunno that's a lot of pressure.." you tease them, looking up at Wanda who watches you, lip caught between her teeth as you wink up at her. "So much pressure, right?!" They sigh dramatically, "mom gave us this task and it's soo hard," Billy explains the tortuous decision they have to make. "Well, this is more serious than I thought," you play into their dramatics, "let see what we got here." You stand up walking over to the shelves walking with a pondering look on your face as the twins follow your movements.

"Tommy chips or cookies?" You ask him watching him immediately go to the cookies as Billy argues chips. You step back smirking a the twins having them pull a confused face. "You guys just made the first decision." They look at each other laughing as they are in the mood for two different things. "Okay, Billy you want chips and Tommy wants cookies. Now this is what I do if I can't decide." You stand behind Billy turning him to face the shelves and the same with Tommy. You step back looking at Wanda. Her green eyes bore into yours making your face blush at the overwhelming amount of emotion that swirls in her eyes.

"Alright, now close your eyes and put your hand out," they giggle stretching out their arms. "Tell me if you want me to slide you to another spot or your good with the spot your in," the boys giggle more Billy wanting to be moved a little more to his left as Tommy was good where he was. "Alright, now on three, slowly put your hand forward until it touches the snack." They giggle some more hearing you count down, slowly reaching their hand grabbing the first thing it touches. "Now open!" They both grab and turn rushing over to their mom handing her the items.

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