Chapter 15

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"You saved me."

Natasha's focus shifts to Maria, her features softening as she realizes the depth of Maria's impact on your life.

Maria nods, her expression filled with warmth and understanding. "Can I give you a hug?" she asks with kindness. You nod, rising from your chair as Maria gracefully walks around the table, enveloping you in a tight embrace. Overwhelmed with gratitude, you bury your head in her shoulder, whispering, "Thank you." Maria holds you close, offering reassurance and comfort. "No need to thank me," she consoles.

You pull back Natasha stands beside Maria her hand place on her lower back as her finger wipes your tears away. "I'm sorry," you say softly looking at the two women and your friends that sit across the table. Natasha shakes her head along with the others, "no don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong." Natasha whispers placing a friendly kiss to your cheek.

"I'm just going to get some air," you say, taking your phone from the table and excusing yourself before they intervene.

Feeling a mix of emotions, you take a moment to compose yourself against the cool brick wall of the restaurant. The weight of the situation settles heavily upon you and your finger hovers over Wanda's name on your phone, unsure of whether to reach out to her. Knowing she's with her parents and not wanting to burden her, you decide against it.

Instead, your finger scrolls through your contacts until it lands on the name of your therapist, Scarlett.

You send her a text, briefly explaining your current state. Almost instantly, your phone rings, and you answer, grateful to hear Scarlett's comforting voice on the other end.

"Y/n," she says softly, her tone filled with empathy, "talk to me." You let out a defeated sigh, your lips trembling as you struggle to find the right words. "I-I have been doing so good," you manage to say, your voice laced with disappointment, "and I just embarrassed myself in front of everyone."

Scarlett's voice remains calm and soothing as she responds, "Y/n, sweetheart, you just met the person who saved you. That's a lot to process." Her words penetrate through the fog of your emotions, offering you a glimmer of understanding and validation.

Rubbing your forehead, you let out another sigh, feeling the weight of the built up emotions threatening to consume you. Tears well up in your eyes and a soft sob escapes your lips. Scarlett's heart breaks at the sound of your broken sobs, her voice filled with compassion as she tries to comfort you.

"Y/n, sweetheart, please take a deep breath," she says gently, her concern evident. "Breathe." Her voice becomes a mere whisper, urging you to find comfort in the simple act of breathing. Yet, in the midst of your distress, you feel as if you can't. "I can't," you croak out, your voice strained.

"Yes, you can," Scarlett says with determination. "In through the nose and out through the mouth, slowly." Her instructions guide you and you obediently take in a shaky breath, slowly releasing it through your mouth. The rhythm of your breaths becomes a lifeline, gradually easing the tension in your body.

"I'm so tired," you whisper to yourself, your voice filled with exhaustion. Scarlett picks up on your weariness, her concern growing. "Where are you?" she asks, her voice laced with worry. She knows all too well the toll that panic attacks can take on a person. "I'm at this restaurant," you manage to explain, your thoughts muddled and scattered. "I don't know... I can't think."

You apologize for reaching out to her, but Scarlett quickly dismisses your apology. "No, don't apologize," she insist with sincerity. "I want you to call me when these things happen, okay? I want to help you." Her words wrap around you like a warm embrace, offering you the support you desperately need in this moment."Thanks, Scarlett," you say, gratitude lacing your words. "You're a lifesaver."

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