Chapter 24**

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You hear a gentle rustling around you, causing you to slowly open your eyes. The sunlight filters into the room, causing you to squint as you adjust to its brightness. You hear the soft sound of tiny footsteps approaching, accompanied by Wanda's sweet hushing voice.

"I'll be down in a moment, my loves, meet me by the front door," Wanda whispers to the unseen figures, their hurried footsteps fading away. The bed dips slightly as Wanda sits down, and your eyes focus on the radiant goddess beside you in a suit. She smiles warmly, leaning in to claim your lips and murmuring, "Good morning, beautiful."

You return her smile, rolling onto your back and replying, "Good morning, my superhero." Wanda's smile widens as she lovingly caresses your cheek. "I'm going to take the boys to school," she says softly.

A sudden realization jolts you awake, and you sit up in bed, asking anxiously, "Wait, what time is it?" Wanda's head tilts slightly as she observes your panicked state. "It's 735, my love," she reassures you, her expression softening.

"It's the first day of school. I could have helped you get them ready," you murmur, and Wanda's face reflects a mixture of understanding and compassion. She has grown accustomed to handling everything on her own, with Vision never assisting in the care of their twins.

"I know you would have, baby," she replies, her eyes conveying her love and gratefulness. "I'm just used to handling everything."

"You don't have to handle everything anymore," you say softly, slipping out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Wanda asks, following your lead.

"To wish the boys good luck on their first day," you respond as you descend the stairs.

As you reach the bottom of the staircase, you find the boys eagerly waiting by the front door, their backpacks slung over their shoulders. Their faces light up with excitement as they see you approaching.

"Good morning, peanuts," you greet them with a warm smile. They rush towards you, their tiny arms wrapping around your waist in a tight embrace. You can't help but feel a surge of pride and joy at their affectionate gesture.

Wanda watches, biting her lip as she smiles. Her heart melts even more seeing how you prioritize her boys.

"I can't believe it's the first day of 5th grade," you say, a mixture of excitement and nostalgia in your voice. The boys nod enthusiastically, their eyes shining with anticipation.

"Are you coming with us?" Billy asks as he lets go of you. They both look up at you with a hopeful glint in their eyes.

"Absolutely," you say, "let me just change real quick." You go to turn around and head up the stairs, but Wanda catches your arm, spinning you into her. Your breath catches in surprise, her hands cup your cheeks, and she plants a searing kiss on your lips. "You're amazing," she whispers, her eyes filled with admiration.

Wanda tastes your lips again, her hand sliding into your hair, momentarily forgetting where she was. You raise a brow at the intensity, mumbling into it, "the boys.." Wanda slowly releases your lips and turns her gaze on her boys, who playfully tease with a few "ewws" and "gross."

Wanda chuckles at the boys playful teasing, shaking her head with a smile. "Alright, alright, enough of that," she says, earning a giggle from the twins. "Go put your stuff in the car," she says sweetly, grabbing her keys and unlocking from inside.

The boys rush out giggling, Wanda watches them rush to the car, then her gaze returns to you. Her hand slides down your back, rounding your backside, her touch sending shivers down your spine. "You look beautiful, you don't need to change," she murmurs, her lips inches from yours. You raise a playful brow, imagining what you currently look like with your hair in a messy bun, joggers, and an oversized t-shirt.

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