Chapter 14

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The sun barely peeking through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Wanda slowly stirred from her slumber, her mind still wrapped in the haze of sleep. As she opened her eyes, she found herself enveloped in a sea of white sheets, a comforting cocoon that held the remnants of the night before. She quietly looks at her phone 6am it shined. She turns her head slightly and saw you lying next to her, your peaceful face illuminated by the morning light.

Wanda's fingertips grazed her lips, still tingling from the gentle brushes of your kisses. She couldn't help but smile, a soft blush creeping onto her cheeks. The weight of her hand on her cheek reminded her of the tenderness you shared and her heart fluttered with happiness. In that moment, Wanda realized that she had never experienced love like this before. It was a love that consumed her, a love that made her feel alive in ways she never thought possible.

Thoughts race through Wanda's mind as she tried to make sense of her emotions. How could someone who had lived in a loveless marriage for so long suddenly find herself immersed in such passion and affection? It felt like a dream, a beautiful dream that she never wanted to wake up from.

But Wanda couldn't help but feel a hint of fear. She was afraid of letting go, afraid of being vulnerable, afraid of getting hurt again, afraid of losing you to someone else.

Her thoughts drifted to moments from her previous marriage, flashes of cold indifference and empty promises. But as she looked at you and she realized that this love was different. It was genuine and heartfelt, a love that made her feel seen and cherished.

This love was her obsession...

You are her obsession.

Wanda couldn't resist the urge to wake you, to share the beauty of the morning after your passionate night, trying something she's never done. Creating a more intimate and intense bond between the two of you.

With a soft smile playing on her lips, she leaned in closer and press a delicate kiss against your temple. You stir, eyes fluttering open to meet Wanda's loving gaze.

"Good morning, beautiful," Wanda whispers, with tenderness. Your eyes crinkle at the corners as you return the greeting, voice raspy wrapped with sleepiness. "Good morning, love."

Wanda's fingers trace delicate patterns on your bare skin, relishing in the softness and the way it made her heart skip a beat. She loves how your bodies fit together so perfectly, as if they were two puzzle pieces destined to be joined.

The room was filled with the soft sounds of your breathing, the gentle rustle of sheets and the distant chirping of birds. You let out a content sigh and snuggling closer to her body, burying your face in the crook of Wanda's neck.

The sensation of your warm breath against her skin sent shivers down Wanda's spine, igniting a fire within her. Her heart melts with affection as she gaze down at your peaceful expression. Your eyes, still heavy with sleep swirling with love that took her breath away.

Unable to contain herself any longer, Wanda leans in and capture your lips in a lingering kiss. Lips moving together in a dance of affection and desire.

As you pull away, your foreheads press together, Wanda whispers, "I never imagined I could feel this way for anyone." Your eyes sparkle with love, "neither did I." Your tone barely above a whisper adding to the tranquility that surrounds you two.

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