Chapter 48****

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🌶️ Warning spicy chapter
The next morning:

Wanda steps out of her sleek black SUV, the cool air of a late February morning brushing against her skin. She locks the vehicle with a beep, the sound echoing through the secure garage. Her heels click sharply on the concrete as she walks towards the entrance of shield tower, each step a testament to her fury and determination.

She strides into the building, her tailored cream blazer hugging her form perfectly, the black blouse beneath contrasting elegantly. Her lean legs are encased in a pair of skinny jeans that flatter her figure, and an overcoat, a deep charcoal grey, adds a touch of sophistication to her outfit. Wanda's auburn colored locks are left loose and tousled, falling in loose waves that frame her perfectly shaped face. Her eyes burn with a fierce, protective anger, and her presence commands attention.

Agents greet her with cautious nods, but she doesn't bother acknowledging them. Her focus is singular: Tony Stark.

She makes her way through the corridors, her pace quick and unyielding. The sound of her heels clicking against the marble floors echoes through the hallways, a prelude to the storm brewing within her. Agents exchange nervous glances, aware that something significant is unfolding.

When she reaches Tony's office, she doesn't bother knocking. She throws the door open with a force that makes it slam against the wall, the reverberation echoing through the room. Tony looks up from his desk, surprise and alarm crossing his face as he sees Wanda standing in the doorway, her eyes burning with an intensity that makes the room feel a few degrees colder.

"Wanda, what the—"

Before he can finish, Wanda slams the door shut behind her, the sound like a gunshot in the tense silence. She rounds his desk in a blur of movement, her expression a mask of barely contained rage. In a swift, almost inhuman motion, she grips his shirt and yanks him out of his chair, lifting him off the ground with a strength fueled by pure anger. Her fingers dig into the fabric, knuckles white with the force of her grip. She tosses him across the room with a growl, and he crashes into a stack of equipment with a loud clatter, the impact sending a shockwave through the room.

Tony groans, pushing himself up, his body aching from the unexpected assault. "I totally deserved that," he says, trying to make light of the situation, but there's a hint of nervousness in his voice, an edge that betrays his fear.

Wanda's eyes blaze with anger as she advances towards him, her movements deliberate and menacing. "You think this is a joke, Tony?" she spits, her voice trembling with rage, each word dripping with venom. "You went behind my back, put Y/n at risk, and you think you can brush it off with a joke?"

Her words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of her fury, and Tony can see the fire burning in her eyes, a fire that promises retribution if he doesn't take her seriously.

Tony raises his hands in a placating gesture, his expression turning serious, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Wanda, I know you're angry, and you have every right to be. I should have handled it differently."

"Differently?" Wanda echoes, her voice rising, each syllable laced with a simmering rage. "You should have respected my decision! Y/n's safety is not negotiable. She's pregnant, Tony! Do you understand what that means? You have no idea what you've done."

In a swift, almost predatory motion, she grips his shirt again and pins him to the wall, her face inches from his. Her breath is hot and her eyes pierce through him, filled with an intensity that makes him swallow hard. "How could you?!" she shouts, her voice echoing with anger and pain, the raw emotion in her words sending a chill down Tony's spine. "How could you put her and our baby at risk?"

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