Chapter 16

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As your heart races erratically, a wave of panic grips your chest, causing your hand to instinctively move from your stomach to your chest in a feeble attempt to calm the tumultuous beats. A phantom presence lingers behind you, its intensity burning into the back of your head, sending shivers down your spine. With a sudden jolt, your eyes snap open, and the room comes into focus as you struggle to catch your breath, the air around you thick with the remnants of the nightmare that had just gripped your subconscious.

You lie frozen in the darkness, the weight of the night's terrors pressing down on you, unwilling to disturb the peace that envelops Wanda, who is already awake beside you. She senses the turmoil within you before you even register it yourself, her arms a comforting anchor as she feels your racing heart and trembling form seeking comfort in her embrace.

Wanda's own stomach churns with empathy as she shares in the vivid images and raw emotions of your distressing dream, the lines between her reality and yours blurring in the darkness. She recognizes your valiant attempt to remain still, to quiet the storm within, as she hears the uneven in your breathing, a symphony of fear and uncertainty.

"I'm safe," you whisper to yourself, the words a fragile mantra in the stillness of the night. Wanda's heart clenches at the sound of your soft reassurances, your trembling voice a poignant reminder of your vulnerability in the face of unseen demons. She leans in to press a tender kiss against your cheek, her voice a soothing balm in the darkness. "Detka,"

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you," you murmur, your voice laced with regret and concern for disturbing her peace. But Wanda's gentle touch and unwavering presence offer you a lifeline in the shadows, her whispered words a beacon of comfort in the night.

"You didn't, my love. Can you breathe for me?" Wanda's voice is a gentle whisper in your ear, her hand moving in a soothing rhythm over your chest. Following her guidance, you focus on the steady rhythm of your breath, feeling the tension slowly fade away as her touch brings a sense of calm to the chaos within.

"Another," she prompts softly, her lips brushing against the crown of your head in a gesture of reassurance and love. Grateful for her steadfast presence, you offer a quiet "thank you" as you lean into her embrace, seeking refuge in the safety of her arms.

"I won't let anything happen to you," Wanda's words are a vow, a promise of protection and unwavering support as she holds you close, her warmth enveloping you like a cocoon of security in the darkness of the night.

Wanda's eyes slowly flutter open, the gentle rays of the sun filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. She feels your peaceful form nestled in her arms, finally finding rest in the quiet of the morning. With a soft sigh, she turns to her nightstand, reaching for her phone to silence the impending alarm before it disrupts your tranquility.

Leaving a tender kiss on your cheek, Wanda untangles herself from the comfort of the bed, moving with quiet grace as she prepares for the day ahead, mindful of not disturbing your slumber. The sound of the shower soon fills the room, accompanied by the subtle hum of morning routines as Wanda readies herself for the task of caring for the twins.

As her brother arrives to take the twins for the day, Wanda takes a moment to sip her coffee, the liquid warmth offering a brief respite as she engages in a hushed conversation with her divorce lawyer, Jennifer. The tension in her voice is noticeable as she asserts her unwavering resolve for full custody of the children, her determination unwavering despite the challenges ahead.

"I won't settle for that," Wanda's voice carries a steely edge as she navigates the complexities of co parenting with her ex husband, her resolve unyielding in the face of his demands for visitation. Jennifer's reassurances provide a semblance of comfort, promising to stand by Wanda's side as they navigate the legal proceedings together.

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