Chapter 7*

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The next day

Crystal blue skies, a gentle summer breeze that activates a crucial part of a childhood memory that was hidden away brought to the front with the help of that perfect summer temperature.

You, carrying a case of water up the blocked off street seeing the boys running down the road with their friends. Their little bodies stopping in their tracks as they see you walking up towards them.

"Y/n!" They scream bodies crashing into your leg making you stumble backwards, Natasha's hand placed on your lower back steadying you.

"Hey peanuts.." you say, making them roll their eyes as they argue back , "we aren't peanuts!"

You chuckle at their tiny pouts, "you're little, therefore you're peanuts." Your eyes catches Wanda's, a cup in her hand watching the interaction. You see a hint of red in them as she notices the red heads hand on you still furrowing her brow as the conversation with her friend Darcy is long forgotten.

Her eyes move with you watching you laugh at her twins who have a big smile on their faces walking up the street with you forgetting their previous activities with their friends finding it adorable on how they gravitate towards you.

"She wants to kill me Y/n.." Natasha whispers in your ear making you shake your head, "you're seeing things Natasha."

Wanda unable to handle it anymore not fully in control of her emotions as she walks quickly up to you having someone grab the case of water in your hands so she could pull you into her. "Hi, detka." She murmurs, arms possessively holding you close to her. Her perfume invading your nose clogging your mind with her, only her.

Natasha stands next to you with shit eating grin on her face hearing you murmur in her shoulder smiling, "hi Wands."

Natasha can't help herself breaking up the hug pulling you out of her embrace wanting to prove to you that death is in fact upon her.

Wanda's sees red watching Natasha smirk back at her making Wanda tilt her head in a jealous manner, a threatening manner. 

"Where's your husband? I would love to meet him." Natasha ask boldly digging herself a deeper grave her eyes looking down at your waist Wanda's hand still clutching your hip Natasha wrapping her arm around your middle removing the older woman's possessive hold making you look at your best friend giving her a what the actual fuck are you doing look. "Around." Wanda responds not even giving a fuck where her husband is as she grits her teeth through a forced smile.

Your eyes dart between the two woman seeing Wanda's eyes flashing what you swear was red and Natasha currently smirking in a teasing way.

Your attention is stripped away from them when you see a little girl cross the street barriers into the active street making you sprint after her scooping her in your arms as she giggles when her feet gets lifted off the ground.

"Oh my god, thank you!" The woman runs up in a panic reaching out as you hand over her child, "she slipped out of my hold.." you give the stressed woman a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, they can be fast." You try lightening the mood the woman giving you a grateful smile as she lets out a deep breath. "I'm Carol," she says extending her free hand out, "Y/n." You shake her hand as Wanda and Natasha get to your side.

"Are you okay?" Wanda moves in front of Natasha cupping your cheeks scanning your body for harm. "I'm good, she's fast." You joke but Wanda doesn't smile, her face only conveys worry hands still cupping your cheeks. "I'm okay Wands," you reassure, placing your hands on hers as you slowly remove them.

Natasha smirks behind Wanda giving you a wink as she bumps Wanda out of the way making her fists tighten.

"Should we go home?" Natasha asks, "I'll draw you a bath," you look at her wide eyed at her antics. "No.." you say looking back at Wanda whose husband walks up behind her.

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