Chapter 52

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Standing in front of the bedroom door, you take a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts. You rub your tired eyes, still feeling the remnants of the adrenaline rush from decoding the messages. The urgency of the situation crashes over you again like a wave threatening to pull you under, but you force yourself to remain calm. Wanda needs to hear this, but how to tell her without causing her to panic?

You start pacing back and forth, running a hand through your hair. "Okay, okay, let's try this again. Good morning, my love. By the way, we're all doomed... No, no, that's a bit too dramatic," you mutter to yourself. The tension in your chest tightens, and you feel a slight tremor in your hands.

You stop pacing and lean against the doorframe, closing your eyes. "Hey, baby, remember when you said you wanted excitement in our lives? Well, surprise!" You snort, shaking your head at how absurd that sounds. You open your eyes and stare at the door, as if it holds the answers you need.

With a sigh, you lean your forehead against the door, lightly bumping it a few times. "Why is this so hard?" you whisper. "Baby, there's something you need to know. Vision and Hydra are planning... No, no, that's too much like a bad spy movie."

You straighten up, shaking your head vigorously as if to shake off the doubt. "Come on, think! Think!" you scold yourself, smacking your forehead gently with the palm of your hand.

Deciding there's no perfect way to break the news, you push the door open gently and step inside. The soft light of dawn filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over Wanda as she sleeps. Her peaceful expression tugs at your heart, and you hesitate for a moment, wishing you could let her rest a little longer. The serenity of the moment feels like a cruel contrast to the storm brewing outside.

You take a moment to appreciate her beautiful and vulnerable form. She lies on her side, the comforter bunched up around her waist. Her auburn hair spills across the pillow like a fiery waterfall, framing her serene face. Her arm is still draped as if over you, clutching at the empty space beside her.

Taking another deep breath, you walk over to her side of the bed and sit on the edge. You reach out and gently brush her auburn hair out of her face. "Baby," you whisper softly, your voice barely audible.

Wanda stirs, a soft hum leaving her lips. A loving smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she hears your whisper. Her hand instinctively roams your side of the bed, searching for you, but finding it cold and empty. Her fingers clutch at the sheets, as if trying to pull you back to her side.

Her eyes snap open, filled with a mix of confusion and concern. She flips herself over quickly, the comforter falling off her body, revealing her slender form. Her emerald eyes, soft and full of worry, lock onto yours. She sits up, cupping your cheeks with both hands. "Are you okay?" she asks, her voice urgent, her eyes scanning yours for any sign of what's wrong.

You nod, placing your hand over hers. "I'm fine, but I need to tell you something." Her hand moves from your cheek to rest on your growing belly, her touch gentle and reassuring. Her fingers trace soft, comforting circles on your skin. You see worry etched on her face as her eyes scan yours, waiting for you to continue.

"So, I couldn't sleep. And it was technically morning, and..." you start, your voice faltering slightly.

She furrows her brows, her tone firm. "Y/n."

You cup her cheek, stopping her from lecturing you. "I know. I know," you say quickly. "But I did, and I figured it out." You pause, your hands trembling slightly. She feels your tremors and grips your hands tighter, her warmth steadying you.

"What? What did you find?" she asks, her voice a mix of concern and firmness.

"Well..." you begin, taking a deep breath, feeling the weight of the words you are about to speak. "It's Vision and Hydra. They're planning something big, and they're targeting me... the baby... and pretty much the whole city." The enormity of it all hits you again, making your heart race.

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