Chapter 12

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Holy fuck you just slept with a married woman.

You shoot up in bed covering yourself with the sheet making her sit up with you immediately shaking her head knowing exactly what you're  thinking. Her soft hands quickly cup your cheeks making you look directly into her worried green eyes.

"I'm not with him," she quickly says, "I'm divorcing him, I filed." Her thumb rubs your cheek watching you calm down. Her eyes dart to your lips nodding at your relaxed reaction. "I want you, Y/n. Only you." You let out a deep breath hands covering hers trying to process what she just said.

She wants you. Those words can't be true.

"It's true," she interrupts your thoughts, lips pressing against yours pulling back watching a confused look take over your face.

"I have so much to tell you.." she whispers, "but I'm scared on how you'll react." Her body sits in front of you, hands intertwining with yours. You can see how nervous she is, her fingers fiddling with yours, eyes darting to her lap keeping her gaze down. You find your finger sliding beneath her chin lifting her to look at you, encouraging her to continue.

When her eyes meet your caring eyes, her body relaxes wanting to tell you everything.

Hours have passed, Wanda currently has her back against the headboard while you straddle her lap listening to her tell her secrets, and everything that Vision did to her.

"The whole time?" You ask playing with her hair as her hands rub up and down your back. "Mhm, I thought he bought the bracelet for me cause he loved me and I really believed he was trying to be better for me and for the boys."

"How did you take it off?" You ask seeing her smile sadly at you. "When you would leave, I felt this sense of loss, this agonizing feeling that built up every time you left my sight, every time you stepped out that door," she sighs hands resting on your waist. "The pain from the bracelet was nothing compared to the pain of not having you." Your thumb brushes a stray tear watching her become emotional, "I shattered it and it felt so freeing." You rest your forehead with hers seeing a bright her smile form on her beautiful face.

"I'm so sorry," you whisper, "I'm so sorry you went through all that." Her thumb finds your lips brushing over them gently, "I promise you, you'll never have to hide who you truly are with me." You mumble against her thumb.

"Yeah?" She says in a breathy tone biting her lip making you do the same nodding your head. "You're perfect Wanda," she flips you on your back, lips attacking your neck making you giggle at the ticklish feeling.

Her smile doesn't fade as she looks down in your eyes hand gripping your body, while you smile up at her, "what?" You whisper, thumb rubbing her cheek watching her enchanting green eyes sparkle down at you. The overwhelming amount of care and love that shines in them makes your face heat up. Your body suddenly becoming shy trying to hide in the safety of her chest.

Cruelly, she pulls away secretly reveling in your flustered state."You're adorable, Detka," she murmurs, the gentleness of her tone makes you even more flustered turning her over on her back to hide in the crook of her neck.

"Mhm, I don't think so, sweetheart," she playfully says rolling you on your back, "this is where I want you," her lips claim yours, pulling back just to tease them, brushing over them, "always, underneath me," you swallow hard at the possessive tone, her body just radiating pure dominance. Her eyes go back to gazing into yours, "be mine.." she whispers, " mine.." your features soften at the pleading look she's giving you as if you would reject her.

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