Chapter 27*

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Four days later, as the soft Saturday evening light filters through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room, you and Wanda stand in front of the mirror, dressed to the nines for her mother's birthday dinner. Wanda adjusts the delicate lace of her dress with a satisfied smile, while you smooth down the fabric of your own elegant attire, ensuring every detail is just right.

"Looking gorgeous, babe," you compliment Wanda, admiring the way her dress accentuates her beauty.

She returns the compliment with a playful smirk, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You're not looking too bad yourself," she teases, giving your dress a playful twirl before stepping back to admire the finished result.

With a satisfied nod, you turn your attention to the task at hand, gathering the boys and rounding them up for the evening ahead. They're bubbling with excitement, their youthful energy palpable as they zip around the house, eager to get going.

"Alright, boys, time to get ready," you announce, your voice firm yet gentle as you corral them together.

Tommy and Billy exchange excited glances, their faces lighting up with anticipation. "Can we bring our action figures?" Tommy asks eagerly, already clutching a handful of toys in his hands.

Wanda chuckles softly, her eyes twinkling with affection as she nods her approval. "Of course, just make sure to keep them in your pockets during dinner," she advises, her tone gentle yet firm.

With a chorus of "yes, Mom" and "okay," the boys scurry off to their rooms to fetch their favorite toys, their laughter echoing through the house.

Meanwhile, you and Wanda exchange a knowing glance, a silent communication passing between you as you prepare to embark on this special evening together.

As the boys return, excitement bubbling over, you lead them out to the car. Wanda's hand rests gently on your lower back, her touch sending a warm tingle through your body as you walk together into the garage. The boys eagerly hop into the back seats, their laughter filling the air as they scramble to buckle up.

Wanda watches them with a soft smile, her eyes shining with maternal affection as she ensures they're safely secured in their seats. Once satisfied, she closes the car door with a gentle click, her gaze lingering on the boys for a moment longer before turning to you with a tender smile.

As Wanda drives to the restaurant, her hand finds its way to the top of your thigh, her touch a comforting presence as she navigates through the streets. The gentle pressure of her hand against your leg sends a wave of reassurance through you, grounding you in the moment.

The soft melodies from the radio mingle with the laughter of the boys in the backseat, creating a harmonious soundtrack to your journey. Wanda's smile widens at the familiar sound, her eyes reflecting the joy of motherhood as she listens to her sons playful chatter.

As the streetlights pass by in a blur, Wanda's thumb moves in soothing circles on your skin, a silent gesture of affection and comfort. You intertwine your fingers with hers, relishing in the connection between you as you keep her hand on your lap.

"Did you figure out what was going on with the security camera?" you inquire, the question breaking the tranquil silence between you. Wanda's gaze shifts to meet yours, her expression a blend of thoughtfulness and assurance. "I did," she responds with a reassuring nod, her voice steady and composed. "It seems an update glitched, but I managed to restore it."

"Did we miss any cute raccoons?" you inquire, a playful reference to a recent backyard visitor caught on camera. Wanda chuckles softly, lifting your intertwined hands to her lips and planting a tender kiss on the back of yours. "No, darling," she replies, her tone affectionate, "the reset wiped the recordings clean."

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