Chapter 49**

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Monday arrives with a sense of anticipation and unease. Wanda wakes early, her mind already preoccupied with the days upcoming meeting. She dresses with precision, slipping into a tailored overcoat that accentuates her powerful demeanor. As she fastens her heels straps around her ankles, their sharp clicks echo in the quiet morning, a testament to her authority. After a final, confident glance in the mirror, she grabs her sleek black sunglasses, a barrier against both the bright February sun and the world.

In the kitchen, Wanda grabs her keys off the marble counter, the cold metal a brief reminder of the days responsibilities. She pours herself a steaming cup of coffee, the rich aroma filling the air as she takes a quick sip, savoring the moment of calm. With the keys in one hand and her coffee in the other, she strides to the staircase , her heels clicking rhythmically on the hardwood floor.

She tiptoes upstairs to check on you, as you still peacefully sleep. Wanda's expression softens as she approaches the bed, her protective nature coming to the forefront. She gently pulls the blanket up a bit higher over your body, and places a tender kiss on your forehead. "I love you," she whispers, her voice a soothing contrast to her usual commanding tone. She closes the bedroom door quietly, ensuring the room remains a sanctuary of tranquility.

"Alright, my babies, time to go," she calls out downstairs, her voice carrying a mix of authority and affection. Tommy and Billy appear, their backpacks slung over their shoulders, faces lit with excitement. Wanda bends down to give each of them a quick hug, planting a gentle kiss on their foreheads. "Come on, my loves," she says softly, smoothing Tommy's hair and adjusting Billy's hat.

Wanda ushers them out, herding them toward the SUV parked in the driveway. She pauses to arm the house, the security system beeping in acknowledgment, a brief but reassuring sound in the stillness of the morning. With one last, protective glance at the front door, she feels a sense of security knowing you are safe inside.

Wanda helps them into the car, ensuring they are settled comfortably before sliding into the driver's seat. She adjusts her sunglasses, covering her emerald green eyes, and glances in the rearview mirror, watching her boys as they buckle themselves in. She notices Billy struggling with his seatbelt, the strap twisted and tangled.

"Hang on, sweetie," she says, her voice gentle but firm. She reaches back and expertly untangles the seatbelt, her fingers moving with practiced ease. "There you go," she says, clicking it into place. "All set?"

Billy nods, flashing her a grateful smile. Wanda returns his smile, a mix of protectiveness and affection shining through her composed exterior. "Alright, let's get going," she says, as the engine hums to life and she drives them toward the day adventures.

Wanda pulls up to the school, the engine humming softly. She parks the car and turns to the back seat where Tommy and Billy are seated, their eyes wide with excitement. "Alright, boys, we're here," she says with a warm smile, reaching back and giving their knees a squeeze.

She steps out of the car, her heels clicking softly on the pavement. Wanda's presence is commanding, her overcoat flowing behind her, the sunglasses masking her eyes but not the fierceness in her stance. She quickly moves around the SUV to open Tommy's door, which faces the school driveway. As she helps him out, she shields him instinctively from the oncoming traffic, her hand immediately wrapping around his small shoulder as he grabs his bag. Her eyes are always on Billy, who stands on the sidewalk near his closed door, patiently waiting for his mother and brother.

Wanda shuts Tommy's door with a decisive thud  and leads him by the hand to Billy's side. Her touch is gentle as she smooths down Tommy's coat, a small gesture that reassures him. She then takes Billy's hand in her other hand, feeling the warmth of her boys small, trusting hands in her own. The boys fingers curl around hers, Tommy's grip firm and Billy's slightly more relaxed. She looks forward, her gaze steady and focused, her sunglasses shielding her eyes from the morning sun but not the determination in her posture.

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