Chapter 47

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You sit nestled in the quiet hum of your home office, the gentle clacks of your keyboard punctuating the calm air. Outside, the late February chill promises the slow approach of spring, but inside, it's just another day of work, wrapped in the comfort of home.

A mug of tea, still steaming slightly, sits beside your computer—another small fortress against the cold. It's hard to believe it's been only a week since Wanda's birthday. The memory of her laughter, the warmth of her embrace, lingers like a sweet melody. Her birthday dinner had been perfect, and the evening that followed, even more so.

You recall the way her eyes sparkled under the soft candlelight at the dinner table, the way her hand felt in yours as you shared those quiet, intimate moments, the way she loved you deep in the night.

But today, the house feels unusually empty without her. Wanda had rushed out early for an emergency meeting, her kiss still tingling on your lips as she looked back with that apologetic smile. "I'll be back before you know it," she had promised. You trust her, yet the house whispers of her absence. Every room, every corner seems to echo with the memory of her presence—the faint scent of her perfume still lingering in the air, the warmth of her touch still fresh on your skin.

Unbeknownst to you, the tension is visible in the stark, fluorescent lit conference room where Wanda now sits. The avengers and shield leaders are arrayed around the table, discussing threats with grave faces. Vision, along with several other agents, have mysteriously vanished, leaving a trail of unanswered questions and deepening the team's worry. The betrayal wasn't just a personal blow but a potential threat to their entire operation. Vision's intimate knowledge of their strategies and defenses could now be a tool for their enemies.

Tony, ever the advocate for utilizing every resource, suddenly drops your name into the conversation. "Wanda, Y/n's insights as an engineer could be invaluable for this." The room falls silent, and all eyes turn to Wanda, who feels a surge of mixed emotions—pride in your abilities, but also a deep concern for dragging you into this perilous situation.

The words hang heavy in the air. Wanda's face hardens, her eyes darkening with a mix of fear and fury. "Absolutely not," she snaps, more sharply than she intends. Her hand clenches into a fist. "Y/n is not a pawn to be moved on your chessboard, Tony. She stays out of this. She's carrying my child, for god's sake." Her voice is a protective growl, echoing slightly off the conference room walls.

Tony leans back, his face a mixture of frustration and calculation as he meets Wanda's fiery gaze. "Wanda, listen—"

"No, you listen," Wanda cuts him off, her voice thick with emotion. "Bringing Y/n into this is off the table."

Bruce, ever the peacemaker, interjects gently, "Tony, maybe we should consider Wanda's point—"

But Tony, undeterred, presses on. "I get it, I do. But think about it—Y/n isn't just anyone. She's one of the best engineers we've got at SSA. Her expertise could make the difference, and this is about ensuring the safety of millions. We need her skills, Wanda."

Wanda's jaw tightens, her fingers tapping an anxious rhythm on the table. "And what about her safety, Tony? Our family's safety? She's pregnant. We agreed after the last time we tried using her—no more risks."

Natasha chimes in, her tone soft but firm. "Wanda is absolutely right. Y/n shouldn't even be considered."

Tony sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Jesus. I'm not talking about sending her into the field, but her technical advice, from home, could be crucial. We're not dragging her into combat."

Wanda's eyes flicker with uncertainty for a moment, her protective instincts warring with the logic of Tony's argument. But her resolve firms as she remembers your laughter, the gentle swell of your belly—the promise you had so tenderly discussed—she handles the danger you don't. "No, Tony. My wife stays out of it. This isn't her war."

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