Chapter 9

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The afternoon summer blazing sun shines through your window slightly causing a glare on one of your monitors as you sign off for the rest of the afternoon. You take a glance at your phone Wanda messaging you about an hour ago talking about a show she had started last night wanting you to watch it as well.

You gather your dishes that scatter around your desk just finishing up lunch scowling on how everything you make tastes bland compared to Wanda's cooking. 

"Hey Natty," you say, holding your phone between your ear and shoulder as you wash your dishes in the sink.

"Hey bubs," she sighs, making you grab the phone, straightening up more, water dripping down your case as you stop what you're doing.

"What's wrong?" You ask, worrying more when you hear another sad sigh.

"I'm so confused," she replies, making you relax slightly as you turn around leaning against your kitchen island. "About?" You pry for more information, eyes aimlessly looking out your front windows. "Maria and Bruce.."

"Ah," it clicks with you, "how were the dates?" You ask her, remembering Natasha telling you the other day that she had taken an interested in two people having dates with both of them. "They went good..." she says, her tone dying off making you raise a brow, "But?" You start off her sentence for her.

"But, Bruce... he doesn't pay attention. He's always looking at his phone when I speak.."

"Hmm.." you hum, letting her continue with her thoughts."Maria though..." she trails off, making you raise a brow at the breathless tone, "she's patient, attentive, so fucking sweet and romantic.." you twirl a pen in your hand as you lean your front on your kitchen island smiling, hearing your best friend become flustered.

"Okay, what's got you confused?" You drum the pen on the counter having to occupy yourself when you talk on the phone. "I've never been with a woman..." she confesses, Natasha swearing she was straight every time when Yelena and I would call her out with that absolute bullshit, always seeing how she would react to women coming up to her at the bar.

"Ohhhhh," you smirk to yourself, "so much for being straight," you tease, hearing her groan dramatically,"what do I do?" She asks you desperate in knowing what women need.

"What do you mean? Just be yourself," you chuckle at her. "Y/n," she whines, "you know what I mean.." she huffs.

"Sex?" You wiggle your brow, even though she can't see you teasing her.

"Yeah," she mumbles shyly. You continue playing with the pen as you hold the phone to your ear.

"Just be honest with her, tell her it would be your first time with a woman. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to show you," you say, smirking.

"What if that turns her off," she genuinely asks making your features soften hearing how anxious she is about this.

"Oh Natty," you coo, "that won't happen." You reassure her.

"How do you know,"

"I've been in that situation many times with a few of my exes, and nothing about it is a turn off. You feel more connected with your partner and it's special. And if that's a turn off for her, then she's isn't for you." Your eyes catch Wanda's car pulling into her driveway. Watching her step out in a gorgeous red pantsuit opening the car door having one of the twins jump out. Her eyes covered with her sunglasses a smile forms on her face when she looks down at her son, giving him a kiss on his head.

"Bubs?" Natasha's voice breaks your trance.

"Hm?" You hum, still keeping your eyes glue to the window.

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