Chapter 18***

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"Good girl." She says in a low sultry tone.

Wanda's soft, warm breath sends shivers down your spine as she delicately traces her lips along the curve of your leg, her voice a gentle whisper of "my good girl" that lingers in the air.

You feel a rush of heat and desire pulse through your body, causing you to tilt your head back and surrender to the intoxicating sensation. With a sense of longing and yearning, you close your eyes, savoring every moment of her touch.

Through half closed lids, you meet her gaze, locking eyes with her deep, dark green pools that seem to hold the depth of the universe. The intensity of her stare only adds to the electricity in the air, as you find yourself instinctively gripping the edge of the kitchen counter for support, a silent plea for her to continue this exquisite dance of passion and desire.

As her hands delicately trace the soft curve of your enticing ass, a shiver runs down your spine, igniting a primal desire within you. With her breath warm against your skin, she hovers tantalizingly close to your heated core, her gaze locked on the glistening evidence of your arousal trickling down your thigh. The air crackles with anticipation, every nerve in your body pulsating with need, aching for her touch, her command.

Your desperate pleas escape in soft, barely audible whimpers, aching for her to take control, to set your senses ablaze with ecstasy. The tension between you thickens, suffusing the room with an electric energy that promises an
intoxicating blend of pleasure and longing.

As her nails dig into your backside, a sharp sensation of pain intertwines with the anticipation of pleasure, sending a shiver down your spine. The conflicting mix of emotions threatens to overwhelm you, almost bringing you to your knees in surrender. Wanda's carefully crafted plan teeters on the edge of crumbling as the sound of your sinful moans and desperate whimpers fills the air, escaping from your beautiful lips.

Each breathless plea for her, echoes in her racing thoughts, a symphony of desire that threatens to break her carefully constructed facade of control.

Her touch, starting from the curve of your backside, moves with a tantalizing slowness towards your throbbing core. Each delicate caress of her fingers sends shivers down your spine, building anticipation with every inch closer to your most intimate place.

As her fingertips part your dripping lips, a surge of desire courses through you, making your body quiver with need. Her tongue, a warm and velvety presence, explores every crevice, every secret fold, tasting the essence of your arousal with a hunger that matches your own. With each lingering kiss and every gentle stroke, she savors you, savoring the moment and savoring the connection between you both.

As you tilt your head back in response to the simple yet intense sensation of her tongue, a rush of ecstasy washes over you, igniting every nerve ending in your body. Your senses come alive, heightened and electrified by the fervor of the moment. Each breath you take is shallow and ragged, your chest rising and falling with an erratic rhythm, consumed by the overwhelming need for more. The air feels thick with anticipation, and you find yourself panting uncontrollably, lost in the intoxicating whirlwind of desire.

With meticulous precision, Wanda's tongue explores every inch of you, tracing long, languid strokes that leave a trail of fire in their wake. Each circular motion is a decadent indulgence, savoring the unique taste of you, a flavor that is both familiar and enticingly addicting. You are a symphony of sensations, a melody that she can't resist but to play on repeat. The sound of your pretty pants escaping your lips is like music to her ears, a sweet melody that fuels her addiction and obsession further.

In the midst of this sensory overload, Wanda becomes captivated by you, drawn into a trance by the allure of your essence. She craves every little detail, every subtle reaction that you offer, each one driving her to the edge of madness. Your soft, beautiful lips form the syllables of her name, a whispered invocation that stirs a primal need within her. She is addicted to the way you respond to her touch, to the way you surrender to the pleasure she bestows upon you. It's a heady mix of desire and longing, a dance of passion that leaves both of you breathless and craving more.

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