Chapter 8

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The early morning gloomy clouds naturally dim your bedroom, the sound of the pitter patter on the sill of your half open window keeps you a sleep momentarily until your phone buzzes on your nightstand. Your hand blindly reaches for it grumbling into the phone.

"Hello?" You mumble into your pillow not seeing the caller id but immediately knowing who it is when you hear an angelic voice come from the other end.

"I didn't wake you did I?" She asks in a soft tone making you wake up properly.

"Uh no, no I'm just being lazy in bed. It's a perfect day for it." You bite your lip hearing her morning rasp making you feel things you shouldn't be feeling. But that feeling isn't just now, it's every time she talks to you.

The communication between the two of you have been non stop since the day you met. Small texts turned into long phone conversations talking about anything and everything.

"The rain does make it cozy doesn't it?" Her accent more prominent in the morning making your body heat up, eyes fluttering close as you just can't help and admire her voice.

"Yeah it does," you murmur, "I love when it rains.." you add, hearing shuffling of the phone suggesting she's moved it to the other ear, you can almost see her smiling,"And why's that?" She asks.

"Mhm, I don't just get to snuggle up on the couch or in bed watching a film doing absolutely nothing." Your body moves on its side making the sheets ruffle loudly as you now put her on speaker. Way too lazy to keep it by your ear.

Her soft chuckle makes a smile break out on your face,"is that your plan for the day darling?" She asks you, lowering her tone making you melt into your bed.

Darling... my god

"From the day I had yesterday? Yeah absolutely it's my plan," your body aches from being the block party's entertainment. Running around for hours in the summer sun.

"The twins couldn't stop talking about it. They immediately crashed in bed," you hear a clink of a spoon on a cup making you curious what she sips on. "What you drinking?"

"just some tea,"

"Ooh that sounds so good right now,"

"I can make you some if you come over,"

"That's very tempting, but so is staying under the covers.." you snuggle your face more into your comforter shutting your eyes letting out a relaxed sigh. " can stay under the covers here and have tea." You raise a brow at her suggestion and the gentleness of her tone.

"Mhm...I'm almost convinced..."

"the boys would love to have a lazy day with you," Wanda tries luring you in knowing how much the boys mean to you."Is their bed even big enough for a lazy day?" You ask, chuckling thinking about squeezing in a twin size bed.

"No, but mine is.." Your heart nearly stops at the thought of being in her bed. "Oh I'm sure it is," you surprise yourself at the sudden boldness that slips out of you, "but is it comfortable?"

"Very comfortable," she replies with a slight rasp to it, "and if you don't think so, I'll get a whole new bed until you deem it comfortable,"

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