Chapter 20**

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You rush out of the ballroom, pushing past people as Wanda calls after you. Feeling overwhelmed, you slip into an empty office and close the door, running your hand through your hair. Your mind is racing with questions. How did Vision know about her cut? Was it really just a work trip? He must have seen it himself for him to know.

Your heart aches as your trust begins to crumble. You lean your head back against the door, trying to steady your breathing and hold back the tears streaming down your cheek. Suddenly, you hear the sound of heels approaching the closed door. It opens, revealing a panicked and guilt-ridden Wanda. She shuts the door behind her, blocking any chance of you escaping.

Her voice trembles with desperation as she calls your name. You avoid her gaze, fearing that meeting her eyes will only deepen your pain. "Why won't you look at me?" she pleads, attempting to meet your eyes. But you find it difficult to muster the strength to do so. Why can't she just tell you the truth? Why is she lying?

"Please, look at me!" she implores, her voice cracking. Finally, you raise your eyes to meet her pained gaze. Wanda shuts her eyes, tears streaming down her face, taking a deep breath as she struggles to find the right words. You beg her to tell you, your voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and brokenness. "Just tell me, please."

She swallows hard, tears still flowing, her voice trembling with each word. There's a moment of hesitation before she speaks again, prolonging the anguish. You lock eyes with her, a blend of heartache and pain in your gaze, silently pleading for her to rip off the bandaid and reveal the truth.

Her glossy green eyes desperately attempt to convey every emotion she holds for you. She hopes against hope that you'll see the truth and find it in your heart to trust her once more.

You keep staring into Wanda's tear filled eyes, feeling a whirlwind of emotions swirling within you. The pain and confusion are etched across your face as you silently plead for her to break the silence and rip the bandaid off.

Finally, Wanda takes a deep breath, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "I... I didn't want to hurt you," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "I was scared of losing you, scared of you getting hurt. So I tried to protect you by keeping things from you."

A mixture of relief and frustration washes over you. Relief that she's finally opening up, but frustration that she chose to keep things from you in the first place.

Tears continue to cascade down Wanda's cheeks as she musters the courage to continue. "The trip... it wasn't just for work," she confesses, her voice cracking. Her eyes plead you to not let her tell you. "Please," she says with trembling lips, "don't make me tell you." Her voice is barely a whisper, and you see the desperation in her eyes.

You gather your strength, your voice cracking as you ask her one crucial question, needing to hear the truth. "Can you tell me one thing and be honest?" She nods quickly, her willingness to do anything to keep you safe.

"Did you cheat on me?" The words escape your lips, fear and brokenness evident in your voice. She shakes her head, her lips trembling. "Never. I promise you, Y/n," she says, her voice filled with sincerity. "I promise you on my life, I would never cheat on you. I don't want anyone else. I don't need anyone else. No one else exists but you." Her words convey her unwavering love and devotion, assuring you that she only wants you.

Small relief washes over you, you find yourself looking away, trying to process what she still can't reveal and why. Questions continue to linger in your mind, begging for answers.

The sound of approaching heels interrupts your thoughts once again. Her voice barely above a whisper, she pleads with you, "Look at me." You feel her finger gently sliding under your chin, urging you to meet her gaze. You meet her gaze, unable to resist the intensity of her eyes. "I love you so much," she says in a serious and heartfelt tone. "I'm only trying to protect you." Her words are like a gentle caress against your heart, her vulnerability shining through.

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