Chapter 51****

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It has been a week since the dramatic events at the hospital, and the baby has settled significantly during that time. March has finally arrived, bringing a sense of renewal and hope. The past few days have been a blur of relief, recovery, and adjustment. You and Wanda have spent most of your time at home, cherishing the quiet moments with the boys, and learning the baby's movements, understanding their signs.

The memories of the hospital visit still linger, but each day brings more stability and calm. The doctor's advice about maintaining a stress free environment has become your new mantra. Wanda has been incredibly attentive, ensuring you rest and avoid any unnecessary strain.

Now, on this bright March morning, you and Wanda are on your way to Billy and Tommy's fifth grade play. The sense of normalcy is a welcome change, and the boys excitement has been infectious, filling the house with laughter and anticipation.

Wanda drives with a steady confidence, her hand resting protectively and possessively on your thigh, a reassuring touch that speaks volumes of her unwavering presence and care. Her fingers occasionally tighten slightly, as if to silently remind you of her love. Outside, the streets are lined with trees just beginning to show the earliest signs of new buds, promising the blooms of spring. The sun casts a soft, golden glow over the town, bathing everything in a warm, gentle light. The gentle hum of the engine and the rhythmic motion of the car create a serene atmosphere, harmonizing with the peaceful morning.

Her eyes are hidden behind sleek sunglasses, but you know their intensity is focused on the road ahead. She navigates the streets with ease, her movements precise and controlled. Her fingers tap lightly on the steering wheel, a subconscious rhythm that matches the steady beat of the radio. Occasionally, she tilts her head slightly, as if listening to your unspoken thoughts, her perceptiveness attuned to your silent concerns. The sunlight glints off her wedding band and ring, symbols of the unbreakable bond between you.

You look out the window, lost in thought, your mind sifting through all the data you have been working on for the mission. Despite the calm of the past week, the mission lingers at the back of your mind, a puzzle you are eager to solve. Your hands rest on your lap, fingers occasionally fidgeting with a loose thread on your jeans.

Wanda squeezes your thigh gently, her touch pulling you out of your thoughts. Her thumb strokes soothing circles on your skin, grounding you. She glances at you briefly, her expression soft and caring.

"Hey, love," she says softly, her voice a soothing balm. "Your thoughts are getting a little loud. Let's not stress about the mission right now."

You turn to her, a small smile playing on your lips. "Sorry, baby. I just keep thinking about those anomalies." You adjust your sunglasses and let out a deep sigh, trying to shake off the lingering thoughts.

Wanda's eyebrows knit together slightly, a look of gentle reprimand crossing her face. "I know, but we agreed to take a break from that today. The boys play is important, and they need us to be present for them." She tightens her grip on your thigh, her fingers digging in slightly, her touch firm yet comforting.

You sigh, nodding. "You're right. It's just that there's this one data point that doesn't quite fit, and I think—"

Wanda cuts you off with a soft but firm tone. "No, love. Not now. We'll have time to go over all of it later. Right now, we need to focus on our family. The mission can wait." She squeezes your thigh a bit tighter, her voice taking on a more serious edge.

"But if we don't figure it out soon, it could—"

Wanda's grip tightens even more, her voice filled with concern. "Y/n, I mean it. No more mission talk today. I don't want you stressing about it. We're going to enjoy this play, and you're going to relax. Understood?"

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