Chapter 22

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"Pick up, baby," she mumbles under her breath, the ringing of the phone echoing in her ears. Each passing second feels like an eternity, her anxiety growing with each unanswered ring. "Come on, baby," she whispers, her voice laced with desperation. "Please, pick up the phone."

As the sound of your voice finally fills the line, relief washes over Wanda like a soothing wave. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips, grateful for your presence on the other end of the line.

"Hey, my love. Is everything okay?" you say, your voice offering comfort.

Wanda's tense shoulders relax, her voice trembling slightly with a mix of relief and lingering worry. "Yes," she says softly, her tension starting to ease. "Where are you?"

"I'm at your house, in bed, watching a movie. I couldn't sleep," you reply. The simple words bring warmth to Wanda's heart and a sense of normalcy in the midst of chaos. A smile forms on her face as her heart begins to steady, reassured by your presence.

Filled with determination, Wanda's voice steadies as she firmly declares, "I'm on my way."

As Wanda swiftly makes her way towards her car, she quickly drives off, heading towards you.

The drive to her house feels endless, each passing minute filled with worry and concern. She replays the doctor's threat over and over again. Finally, she arrives at the familiar doorstep, her heart pounding with relief.

Stepping inside, she is enveloped by the warmth and comfort of her home. The sound of the movie playing upstairs creates a soothing ambiance. Tossing her keys on the side table, she quickly ascends the stairs, finding you snuggled up with her pillow, watching the movie.

You smile warmly at her, but it falters when you see the panic and worry in her emerald green eyes. In a swift motion, she moves to you, leaning over the bed, cupping your face as she smashes her lips to yours.

The intensity of the kiss is overwhelming, a mixture of relief, fear, and love coursing through her veins.

Pulling away slightly, your foreheads rest against each other as you catch your breath. Wanda's voice is filled with urgency as she speaks, her words a reflection of the tumultuous emotions swirling inside her.

"I can't lose you," she whispers, her voice laced with fear. You furrow your brow caressing her cheek as she keeps her forehead against yours. "I'm here, you're not going to lose me. I'm not going anywhere." You murmur feeling her shake her head against yours.

"Baby." You say softly pulling her on the bed making her straddle your lap. You caress her cheek some more as she keeps her hands cupping yours. "I know that was the first big fight we had." You say and a small smile tugs on Wanda's lips as you're so trusting not thinking it was anything else other than the fight. You having no idea the threat that she heard, the threat the doctor made about you.

Sensing her unease, you reach out and gently lay her down on her back, your hands on either side of her, framing her face.

"Wanda, my love, it was just a fight," you say softly, your voice filled with reassurance. "It doesn't change how much I love you."

Wanda's breath catches in her throat, her eyes welling up with unshed tears. She bites her lip, fighting the urge to reveal the truth behind her panic. Instead, she nods, trying to hide the turmoil within her.

You lean down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, lingering for a moment. "I'm here, no matter what," you whisper. Her fingers find their way into your hair, gripping tightly as she musters a smile. "I know," she replies, her voice barely above a whisper.

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