Chapter 46*

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Important A/N: of course I had another chapter ready for you guys. I think this is my favorite chapter that I've written, especially the whole ending 🥺. I'm a hopeless romantic at heart.

By the way, I do have a TikTok account. I've had it for a while, but I've been nervous to share because it's nothing extraordinary 😅. However, if you'd like to follow me, feel free to do so. I'm planning on making some edits, though I'm not the best at it. My TikTok username is summer2224edits (Absolutely no pressure to follow)

Important** I absolutely adore reading all your comments and feedback! 💕 As a reminder, I'm always going through the comments 👀, so let's treat each other with the same respect we'd want in return. Everyone is entitled to their opinions about this book—some may like the story, and some may not, and that's okay. ❤️ You don't have to read this story if you don't like it, and I completely understand. While you are more than welcome to share your thoughts on whether you like this story or not, all I ask is for them to be respectful.

On that note, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I encourage you to listen to the music that plays in the story at the end (you'll know); it enhances the experience. 🫶🏻 (I actually happened to be listening to it when I was writing this, it kinda made me teary eyed... don't judge me 😭)

I don't have the next chapter written yet, so it'll be a few days until I upload again. 💕

As usual, sorry for any mistakes! Enjoy! ❤️

A few days later, the first rays of the morning sun peek through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. Wanda's soft, rhythmic breathing fills the quiet space, and you carefully free yourself from her embrace, her arms having held you tightly throughout the night. With a soft kiss to her forehead, you manag to slip out of bed without waking her.

You pause for a moment, standing beside the bed and gazing at her peaceful form. Her hair is a tousled around her head, and a serene smile graces her lips. A surge of love and gratitude wells up in your heart. This is the woman who has brought so much joy and warmth into your life, and today is her special day.

Quietly, you tiptoe down the hallway and are greeted by the sight of Tommy and Billy, already up and about, their faces alight with excitement.

"Good morning, my loves," you whisper, bending down to give each of them a kiss on the cheek. Your hand instinctively rests on your growing belly, a reminder of the new life joining your family soon. "Ready to make Mommy's birthday amazing?"

Tommy and Billy nod eagerly, their eyes sparkling with anticipation. "We made cards and paintings for her last night," Tommy whispers, as if Wanda could hear them from the bedroom.

Billy grins, holding up a colorful card he had hidden behind his back. "Mommy's going to love it!"

"She definitely will," you say with a smile, your heart swelling with pride and affection. "Let's go make her favorite breakfast."

Together, you and the boys make your way to the kitchen. The house is quiet, the only sound being the soft patter of the boys feet against the floor. You start by gathering the ingredients for waffles, Wanda's favorite breakfast treat.

"Tommy, can you get the milk and eggs?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper. "Billy, why don't you help me with the flour and sugar?"

The boys spring into action, eager to contribute. Tommy carefull opens the fridge, retrieving the milk and eggs with a look of concentration on his face. You guide him as he carries the items to the counter, ensuring he doesn't drop anything. Billy, meanwhile, stands on his tiptoes to reach the flour and sugar from the pantry. You hand him the measuring cups, showing him how to scoop and level the ingredients.

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