Chapter 3

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The next day:

Just like you said you show up at her door, tools in hand as you knock waiting for her to answer. When door swings open smile dropping when it reveals her husband, who ignores you completely, shoving past you. You watch the man glaring at him as he enter his vehicle driving off.

"I'm sorry about that." Wanda stands in the doorway looking at your tools that you hold, face softening, irritation suddenly gone at the sight of you. "It's okay, seemed important." You reply not wanting to overstep. She gives you a sad smile mumbling, "yeah a woman." not sure if you heard her correctly you decide to not respond as you look up at the light.

"Let's get this baby working for you.." you say with determination making her lightly chuckle at your focus. "How can I help.." Wanda steps out finally ripping her gaze off you and refocuses her attention at the light that you're so fixated on.

"Could you turn off the outdoor electricity for me?" You ask keeping your gaze on the light planning out what you'll do first. Wanda nods "anything for you.." she whispers, voice so low that you're unsure if you heard her properly.

A small summer breeze blows, the intensity of her perfume making you realize just how close she was to you. Eyes moving from the light to the woman next you gaze stuck on her lips a weird trance she seems to always put you in.

"Mom!" A voice comes from inside the house disrupting the moment. She gives you an apologetic look, "I'll turn that off for you, detka." She murmurs before disappearing inside the house.

As you stand on your stool light half out of the socket you fail to hear a car pull in the driveway. "Finally someone's fixing that light." An older woman's voice catches your attention. Your eyes meet her amused face.

"Mom," Wanda's voice comes behind you, her hand resting on your waist as she moves around your stool making sure she doesn't knock you over.

"Grandma!" The twins come rushing out one of them hitting the stool accidentally making you become unsteady on your feet, feeling you are about to fall when strong hands grab your waist steading you.

Hands stuck about your head as you hold the light your eyes peer down seeing the enchanting green that overflow with care mixed with worry peer back up at you. "I've got you," she says before moving her eyes to her boys, "what did I say about running out here while Y/n was working," Wanda tone firm but soft as she lectures her boys.

"Sorry mom," they both say with their grandmothers arms wrapped around their shoulders giving Wanda a smirk something clicking in her head. "Oh so you're Y/n," she sends you an unreadable look, a bigger smile plastering on her face.

"I hope that's a good thing.." you say teasing the older woman who nods her head, "yes, dear. Very good." She gives Wanda a small smirk when Wanda clears her throat tilting her head at her mother.

"Well, that's my cue," her mother says, "it was very nice to meet you, Y/n." Her eyes sparkle with a hint of happiness when they move to Wanda. "It was very nice meeting you Ma'am." You try to be polite not knowing the woman's name. "Natalya, please call me Natalya." You nod at her request watching as she embraces her daughter whispering in her ear making Wanda's face turn a bright pink.

"Bye mom!" The twins give her a hug saying their goodbyes and I love yous. "Have a fun time at grandmas and grandpas. See you tonight!" She shouts waving, watching them enter the car.

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