Chapter 43

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A month later

In the stillness of the early morning, as 5 a.m. marks the hour, Wanda gently presses kisses to your exposed shoulder blade. The soft glow from the streetlight outside casts a shimmer in her eyes as she watches the snow transform the world into a winter wonderland. She feels you relax completely in her arms, and a contented smile spreads across her face, pleased by the serene state she's helped you find as you drift into deep sleep.

Her gaze then shifts to the diamond band, and matching ring on her finger, a simple yet profound symbol of your shared commitment. Instead of a lengthy engagement, you both opted the week after everything, for a swift courthouse marriage, making your union legal even though a more celebratory wedding would follow later. Given recent events, making things official sooner rather than later felt absolutely right.

For the two of you, grand gestures of love aren't necessary; all you need is each other.

You are now hers—legally bound as Mrs. Y/n Maximoff.

It's been a month since the capture of former agent David Caldwell and the mysterious Dr. Andrew Johnson, Dr. Sinclair's apprentice. Wanda has poured countless hours into interrogating them, trying to extract more information. However, their persistent silence has made it increasingly clear that further attempts might be futile.

From the little details she has managed to gather, it's evident that at least two more of their associates are still at large, lurking in the shadows, always watching. The uncertainty of their identities and their next possible strike gnaws at Wanda every minute. She downplays the threat when speaking to you, dismissing them as mere faceless dangers, but she knows the reality is far grimmer.

Just as Wanda's thoughts begin to spiral, her phone lights up the darkened room. Holding you with one arm, she reaches out with the other to grab the device.

Snow day notification.

Wanda's face breaks into a wide smile it's the first snow of the year, a joyous announcement for the boys. She places the phone back on the nightstand, gives you a tight squeeze and a kiss on the back of your head, then quietly slips out from under the covers.

She slips on a hoodie and some sweatpants before heading to the twins room. Gently, she opens the door to find them sleeping peacefully. Wanda tiptoes over to the nightstand between their beds and turns off the alarm clock.

Starting with Billy, she brushes his hair back and presses a soft kiss to his forehead. "Mom?" he whispers sleepily. Wanda smiles, kisses him again, and coos softly, "You have a snow day, baby." The words soothe the boy, eliciting a sleepy smile as he snuggles deeper into his bed, the stress of school melting away. He relaxes completely and quickly falls back asleep.

Wanda chuckles softly, giving him another kiss on the cheek before making sure he's warm and tucked in. Her next focus is Tommy, who is sleeping just as peacefully. She sits on the edge of his bed and repeats the loving gestures, brushing back his hair and watching him with adoration as she kisses his cheek. Tommy, however, groans in disapproval, prompting a chuckle from Wanda at their contrasting reactions.

Leaning close to his ear, Wanda whispers, "Snow day, my love." Just like his brother, Tommy's smile blooms, his body relaxing in response. After tucking him in and kissing his cheek, Wanda quietly exits the room, gently closing the door behind her.

Wanda's soft footsteps carry her back to your bedroom. Peeking inside, she finds you just as she left you, with the earlier heat of passion still lingering in the air. She notices you've kicked off the comforter, leaving just a sheet draped over your relaxed, tired body. Stepping inside, she leans close, her voice a teasing murmur at your ear, "What did those covers ever do to you?" Her words, playful and light, ripple through the quiet of the room. You stir slightly, a groggy smile tugging at the corners of your mouth as you sense her nearness without needing to look.

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