Chapter 19

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A few days have passed since your wonderful weekend with Wanda. A weekend where you spent time in bed, chatting late into the night, and enjoying intimate moments. But your favorite part was when Wanda showed you her garden, again, and taught you about growing vegetables. Her eyes would light up as she talked about her plants.

However, when Monday came around, Wanda had to go on a sudden work trip and she's been away for the past three days. She's been texting and calling, assuring you that she'll be back in time for the gala on Friday. You miss her like crazy, but you understand that her work is important to her. To help her out, you offered to watch her boys and stayed at her house, working from there so they could feel comfortable in their own home.

Everyone else seems to be busy too. You tried to arrange a get together with Natasha and the girls, but they couldn't make it due to work commitments.

Finally, Thursday night arrives. The house is quiet and the boys are peacefully asleep. You send Wanda a goodnight text, giving her an update on your day, before drifting into a deep sleep.

Wanda quietly shuts the front door at the late hour of 2am, the heavy weight of the mission she undertook finally lifts from her shoulders. Dropping her bags to the floor, she allows herself a moment of respite as she leans her back against the closed door. The dimly lit hallway stretches before her, creating an intimate atmosphere that contrasts with the chaos she faced only moments ago.

Slowly, she makes her way up the stairs, her footsteps light and weary. Each step feels like a victory, guiding her closer to the haven she finds in your presence. As she enters the room, her eyes are drawn to your peaceful form, curled up in slumber, unaware of her return. A soft smile graces her lips, the exhaustion momentarily forgotten as adoration fills her gaze.

Carefully, Wanda places her bags down, not wanting to disturb your peaceful slumber. She undresses, letting go of the burdens of her mission. The coolness of the room touches her skin as she freshens up, basking in the gentle glow of the moon.

Now standing beside the bed, Wanda reaches out with tenderness to brush a strand of hair from your face. She knows you're lost in dreams, unaware of her return. Her touch is gentle, reflecting the love in her heart. Slowly, she leans down and places a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering, "I'm home, my love."

The warmth of her breath against your skin stirs something within you and your eyelids flutter open. The softness of your gaze meets Wanda's, and a spark of recognition twinkles in your eyes. A smile graces your lips, mirroring the affectionate curve on Wanda's face.

"Baby," you murmur, your voice filled with a mix of love and sleep. "You're back."

She nods, her eyes brimming with love as she caresses your cheek. "I am. I missed you so much." Leaning down, she presses her lips to yours, moving them in sync in a tender kiss. You hum, feeling the intensity as she pours all her emotions into it, conveying just how much she missed you.

Sliding under the covers, she carefully entwines her body with yours. Her eyes meet yours and her smile grows bigger as she gazes at your enamored expression. As she moves her hair aside, your brows furrow at the sight of a cut on the top of her breast up to her collarbone. Your fingertips trace it gently, concern filling your eyes and you instinctively ask, "What happened, baby?"

Closing her eyes for a brief moment, Wanda takes a deep breath, grappling with the weight of her secret. The burden of lying to you weighs heavily on her, as she strives to keep you safe and shielded from the dangers of her world. She knows that revealing the truth could put you in harm's way and the mere thought of losing you is unbearable.

Summoning her acting skills, Wanda meets your gaze and replies, her voice carefully rehearsed, "It was just a clumsy accident, my love. Nothing serious. Just a minor mishap."

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