Chapter 39

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First thing; I have no clue about constellations, and used google for information so don't come at me about the stars 😅😅 second thing; I don't feel really confident with this chapter, and how I wrote it. So I apologize for it and for any mistakes.

Few weeks later: Halloween

The usually quiet halls of shield echo with the distinctive click of heels on the gray floor. With a folder in one hand and a coffee in the other, Wanda strides with purpose, her auburn hair cascading behind her with each confident step. Her emerald green eyes offer soft greetings to passersby, maintaining an air of approachability despite her brisk pace, until she reaches her destination.

Upon entering the conference room, the atmosphere shifts noticeably. Seasoned agents and new recruits alike straighten in their seats, their postures correcting as the presence of authority manifests with her entry.

"Let's get started," Wanda announces without delay, her voice firm but clear. She gently tosses the classified folder onto the table and sets her coffee cup down beside it. A few taps on the laptop at the end of the table bring the projector to life, displaying the contents of the folder for all to see.

In the back of the room, Natasha stands with her arms crossed, overseeing her set of new recruits. Beside her, Steve does the same for his group. Natasha allows a small smirk to cross her features when she notices the recruits tensing up at the presence of the person often referred to as the most powerful Avenger.

"To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement," Wanda begins, her arms crossing as she surveys the room with a critical eye. Her tone is irritable, tinged with frustration and annoyance over how the investigation into the explosion has been handled.

Wanda's steps are measured as she paces in front of the screen, her every move radiating intense focus. She starts the briefing with a clear, commanding tone, but as she delves deeper into the lack of progress, her frustration mounts visibly. "We're nearing two months in, and what do we have to show?" she demands, her voice rising slightly. "No leads, no breakthroughs, and still a clear and present threat."

She pauses, her hand gripping the folder tightly. With a sudden motion, she slams it down on the conference table, the sound sharp in the quiet room. "This isn't just an investigation; it's a failure to that almost cost me everything," she adds, her voice thick with emotion, the personal stakes clearly driving her agitation.

Wanda's face hardens as she continues, her voice increasingly edged with anger. "And let's not forget the incident at the flower shop weeks unidentified individual surveilling her, clear as day, and we still have nothing." She slams her palm down next to the folder, emphasizing each word. "Why does it feel like I'm the only one who realizes the danger here?" she raises her voice, her frustration boiling over. "She was put in danger again, just trying to buy simple flowers, and yet we're no closer to catching who's responsible!"

The room tenses up, the air thick with her charged emotions. Agents exchange uneasy glances, unaccustomed to seeing such raw personal concern spill over into professional conduct.

At this, Natasha shifts uncomfortably from her position at the back of the room. She catches Wanda's eye, giving her a subtle look that speaks volumes—reel it back, don't make it personal. Natasha's expression conveys concern not just for the mission's integrity but for Wanda's well being, knowing too well how personal investment can cloud judgment.

Wanda's chest heaves with heavy breaths, her eyes flashing with a mix of anger and pain. She meets Natasha's gaze, the unspoken message clear: keep it professional.

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