Chapter 42

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The city's dull roar seems to swallow the sound of the engine, each moment stretching taut as the van carrying you disappears around a corner.

Wanda turns briskly, her movements sharp with contained tension. She heads towards an unmarked SUV parked discreetly by the curb, illuminated by the early light of a crisp November morning. Her attire is not her usual costume but a meticulously professional, tactical outfit: a stark white long sleeve blouse tucked into tailored dress pants, reflecting her impeccable style. Despite the chill, she foregoes a jacket, her commitment to the mission evident in her stoic acceptance of the cold.

She wears a bulletproof vest over her blouse, "SHIELD" emblazoned across the front in bold, uncompromising letters. The vest, a necessary precaution, adds a heavy, metaphorical weight to her shoulders. Her signature auburn hair cascades in loose waves, concealing the gravity of her current circumstances. Though typically her powers negate the need for firearms, today she carries a standard issue shield sidearm a symbol of protocol and solidarity with her team.

Natasha and Yelena, dressed in similar tactical gear, meticulously adjust their own vests and check their weapons. Their movements are precise, their expressions determined.

The team moves towards their respective unmarked vehicles, their steps sharp and fluid under the weight of their gear. The cars, rugged and nondescript, are designed for stealth and speed, their engines humming quietly in the subdued early morning light.

Wanda slides into the passenger seat of the SUV, her movements graceful yet tense. The driver, a seasoned shield agent, nods in respect and understanding before starting the engine. As the vehicle merges smoothly into the traffic, the concealed blue lights remain ready but unused, a silent option should the need arise.

Inside the vehicle, Wanda powers up a shock resistant tablet, the screen split between multiple feeds, with the main focus on the live feed from your body cam. Her eyes flicker between the road and the tablet, a hard glint of protective fervor settling over her features. The sight of you, even through digital distortion, is both a comfort and a torment.

"I hate this plan," she whispers, the confession meant only for her ears. Her grip on the tablet tightens, her knuckles whitening. She can't afford to lose you; losing you would shatter her. A cold fear threads through her veins, combated only by the fierce, burning determination simmering within.

The procession of unmarked cars weaves stealthily through the city's morning traffic, led by Wanda's SUV. Agatha sits in the backseat of one vehicle, her eyes closed as she murmurs incantations under her breath, her presence adding a mystical layer of assurance to the mission's success.

Occasionally, the SUV's concealed blue lights flicker to life, slicing through congestion at crucial intersections before disappearing as soon as the path clears, allowing the team to melt back into the anonymity of the city's bustling traffic.

Inside Wanda's SUV, the air is thick with tension. The comms buzz softly in her ear, a constant stream of updates and checks keeping everyone connected and alert. Maria's voice cuts through first, clear and commanding.

"Teams, remember, minimal engagement until we have the package secure. We need them to commit to the location," she instructs, her tone as sharp as the strategy she orchestrates.

Yelena's voice follows, tinged with barely restrained aggression, "Just give me a clear shot at these bastards. They won't see daylight."

From another vehicle, Steve's voice emerges, calm and reassuring, a stark contrast to Yelena's intensity. "Keep it tight, everyone. Remember, we're dealing with highly organized criminals. No room for error."

Bucky chimes in, his voice low and steady, "Keep the chatter to what's necessary."

Bruce's voice is next, tinged with concern, "I'm monitoring your vitals from here. Everyone's green so far, but stay alert. Stress levels are getting a bit high."

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