Chapter 6

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That evening, you and Natasha sip some wine on the couch while Natasha manages to tell parts of her mysterious job that had her living three years in Europe. "So..they just said time to come back?" You ask wanting to try to understand what the hell she does.

"Pretty much, I'm a scientist Y/n they have me travelling where they need me," she pushes the word scientist hoping it would stop you from being curious but it doesn't help in fact it only makes you more curious.

"You and your sister are both weird about being scientists.." you add taking a sip of your wine mentioning Yelena who you just saw in the city the other day the two of you meeting up at the gym.

"Nothing is weird bubs, you're making it seem that way," she chuckles giving your knee a squeeze, "it's not like we're retired assassins." You raise a brow at her statement, "thats very specific," you say suspiciously making her roll her eyes as you chuckle, "but that would be hard to believe miss I'm scared of spiders.."

She gasps dramatically clutching her chest, "you don't think I would be a good assassin?!"

"Natty, you trip randomly over yourself multiple times a day," you chuckle hearing her huff arms crossed. "Maybe I'm just fooling you Y/n.." she wiggles her brows.

"Yeah, sure, sure and I'm Scarlett Johansson..." Natasha slaps my shoulder playfully as we laugh taking a sip of our wine.

Natasha leans herself into the sofa putting more attention on me, "that neighbor of yours.." she starts of before taking a sip raising a brow.

"What about her?" You place your drink down balling your hand up in a fist leaning on it as you look at the red head who has a smirk plastered on her face.

"She really wanted to kill me in the middle of the street."

"No she did not."

"'re so adorable when you're naive. She was clearly jealous."

"Natasha. You sound insane. She's married.."

"That doesn't mean anything y/n you even said the dudes a fucking prick."

"Yeah from what I've seen of him but I don't know what their relationship is like behind closed doors..."


"Vision, the boys really wanted you to watch a movie with you. Why are you coming home so late?" Wanda asks annoyed leaning against the counter top arms crossed as he just laughs

"They'll get over it." He takes a sip of his beer slamming it down on the kitchen island where he sits. "Why are you late." Wanda questions again Vision scoffing.

"Jesus Wanda, you're always on my fucking case!" He shouts at her Wanda wiggling her finger, "don't fucking raise your voice at me especially when the boys are upstairs." She hisses at him.

"I'll do what I fucking want! You're accusing me of something!" He stands up chugging the bottle throwing the bottle in the sink making it shattered.

"You're fucking other women!" Wanda grits out her voice raising slightly.

"A better fuck than what you have given me the last 10 years." He smirks at her Wanda tightens her jaw hurt filling her body but not at the betrayal but at his words. "You didn't need to use your powers for that now did you?" He takes hold of her wrist showing what appears to be a beautiful bracelet but for her it's a prison on her wrist.

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