Chapter 26*

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A week later, as you walk in from the gym, the soft click of the door closing behind you draws Wanda's attention away from her phone call. She smiles warmly at you, mouthing a quick hello before returning her focus to the conversation. You notice the subtle furrow in Wanda's brow, indicating that the call might not be entirely pleasant.

On the living room floor, the twins are engrossed in building a colorful Lego tower, their laughter filling the room with a sense of joy. You can't help but smile at the sight, your heart warmed by the simple happiness radiating from her children.

As you move closer to Wanda, you catch snippets of the conversation, her voice laced with a mixture of frustration and concern. It seems her parents are planning something for her mother's upcoming birthday, but there's a hitch in the arrangements. You can sense Wanda's growing agitation as you listen intently.

"...I understand, Mom, but you know how Dad gets when things don't go according to plan," Wanda says, her tone patient but tinged with exasperation. "Yes, I know it's important, but..." She pauses, her brow furrowing deeper as she listens to her mother's response.

Taking a seat beside Wanda, she tilts the phone away from her mouth, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on your cheek. Her hand finds its way to your thigh, a comforting gesture that speaks volumes of her affection. As her eyes briefly meet yours, you see love swirling in their depths before she returns her attention to the call

"Okay, Mom, I'll talk to dad," Wanda sighs, her shoulders sagging with resignation. "Yes, I promise. We'll make it work." There's a hint of determination in her voice now, a quiet resolve to navigate whatever obstacles may arise.

As Wanda says her goodbyes and ends the call, you squeeze her knee gently, offering a reassuring smile. "Everything okay?" you ask softly, your voice filled with genuine concern.

Wanda nods, her expression weary but determined. "Yeah, just some last minute changes to Mom's birthday plans," she replies, her tone tinged with a hint of frustration. "Nothing we can't handle."

You nod in understanding, smiling lean in to capture her lips in a tender kiss. "Don't worry, my love," you whisper, your voice soft with love.

Wanda's lips curve into a bright smile, her eyes softening with affection as she leans in for another gentle kiss. "Mhm, I won't," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper but brimming with warmth.

With a contented sigh, you wrap an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as you both watch the twins play. She rests her head on your shoulder, finding comfort in your embrace as you take in the scene before you.

"How was the gym?" she murmurs, intertwining her hand with yours, the warmth of her touch sending a gentle wave of comfort through you.

"It was good," you reply, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Natasha and I did a stair climber challenge today. She's relentless, as always."

Wanda chuckles slightly, her laughter a melodic sound that fills the room with warmth. "What was the challenge?" she asks, her curiosity piqued as she leans in closer, her breath brushing against your cheek.

"We set the machines at the highest resistance and see who can last the longest," you explain, a hint of pride in your voice. "Let's just say, Natasha pushed me to my limits."

Wanda nods, a playful glint dancing in her eyes. "Sounds intense," she remarks, her fingers tracing absent-minded patterns on the back of your hand. "But knowing you, I'm sure you gave her a run for her money."

You chuckle softly,"I held my own," you concede, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "But Natasha is a different creature."

Wanda smiles, her expression softening with affection as she gazes at you. "Well, I'm proud of you either way," she says, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your cheek before checking the time on her phone.

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