Chapter 41*

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A few days later, as you step into the house with the boys backpacks slung over your shoulder, they chatter excitedly about their time at recess.

"Momma?" Tommy calls out, as you place their bags on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, baby?" You lean forward, giving Tommy your full attention as he hops onto an island chair.

"Why is Mommy mad?" he asks, his voice tinged with concern.

You raise an eyebrow—kids are incredibly insightful. "She's not mad, sweetheart," you respond carefully. "She just has a lot going on at work, but she's okay," you reassure him, trying to soothe the worry evident in their eyes.

At that moment, you look over, Billy's expression shifts from concern to a spark of inspiration, his eyes lighting up. You can't help but chuckle softly at the sudden change. "What's cooking up in that brain of yours?" you tease, curious about his thoughts.

"We should put on a play for her!" Billy bursts out, his idea bubbling over.

"That's a fantastic idea," you encourage, your smile widening. "What kind of play do you want to put on?"

"We can be superheroes! But not just any superheroes we can be our own!" Billy declares with a creative flourish. "I'll be lightning boy, and I can shoot lightning bolts!"

Tommy bounces in his seat, eager to add his own twist. "And I'll be rocket kid! I can fly and have super speed!"

You nod, thoroughly amused and impressed by their creativity. "And I'll be your trusty sidekick... or maybe the narrator?" you suggest, watching their faces light up with excitement.

"Yeah! And you can tell the story while we save the day!" Tommy agrees, already gesturing wildly as if flying.

"Let's start planning. We'll need costumes, maybe some capes, and don't forget the masks," you say, pulling out supplies from drawers and joining them in the flurry of creative activity.

As the evening rolls in and the superhero costumes take shape, the boys practice their lines with comical seriousness. You help them set up a small stage in the living room, using a blanket hung across two chairs as a makeshift curtain. The excitement is visible as they rehearse their heroic poses and dramatic entrances.

Just as you're putting the finishing touches on rocket kid cardboard wings, you hear the familiar sound of the front door opening. "She's home!" you whisper, signaling the boys to get ready. They scurry behind their curtain, barely containing their giggles.

Wanda steps into the house, clearly weary but managing a tired smile as she drops her keys on the side table. "I'm home! Where are my three.."

" Surprise!" Tommy and Billy shout as they burst from behind the curtain, wearing their vibrant costumes with wide, proud grins.

Wanda stops dead in her tracks, a look of utter surprise and delight washing over her face. "What is all this?" she laughs, her fatigue melting away as she takes in the scene.

"Welcome to the superhero spectacular!" you announce, playing into their grand plan. "Tonight, you will witness the incredible journey of lightning boy and rocket kid, defenders of justice and protectors of the universe!"

Wanda claps her hands, playing along perfectly. "Oh, I can't wait to see this," she says, sitting down on the couch that you've set up as the audience area. The boys take their positions at the stage, ready to impress.

"Welcome, everyone, to the world premiere of 'The Adventures of Rocket Kid and Lightning Boy!'" you announce with a flourish, stepping into the role of narrator. You've decided to join in the fun, wearing a makeshift cape of your own, which draws a delighted chuckle from Wanda.

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