Chapter 25

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As the weeks have passed, life with Wanda under the same roof has been nothing short of idyllic. Each day unfolds like a cherished melody, with laughter and love weaving through the very fabric of your shared space. From the gentle rustle of bedsheets on lazy mornings to the quiet intimacy of evenings spent nestled together on the couch, every moment is a testament to the deep bond you've forged in the few months together.

The seamless harmony between the two of you is akin to a well-oiled machine, each gear turning with the precision of your affection. Whether it's the symphony of flavors that arises when cooking dinner together, the synchronized dance of tackling household chores as a team, or the tender care you both pour into looking after the boys, there's a sense of completeness that envelops you in Wanda's presence.

And now, as you cast your gaze across the street, you witness the realtor removing the "for sale" sign, a symbolic gesture marking the end of one chapter and the dawn of another. Your house has been sold, its keys passed on to a new family eager to infuse it with their own memories. Though a tinge of nostalgia tugs at your heartstrings as you bid farewell to the place that hosted countless memories, you're brimming with excitement for the future that lies ahead with Wanda by your side.

The twins were overjoyed when you moved in. Just a day after Wanda's invitation, you all gathered for a "family meeting" to discuss the details. Their excitement bubbled over as they eagerly offered their help with packing and settling in. They were especially thrilled that one of their friends would be living just across the street, ensuring endless playdates.

"Love?" you call out, stepping into the house after a delightful early lunch outing with the girls. You can't help but smile, knowing that Wanda must have seen you arrive through the new security camera she had installed, ensuring your safety with her ever-watchful gaze.

The silence enveloping the house prompts you to furrow your brow in confusion. Curiosity leads you to Wanda's home office, where you find her engrossed in a pile of papers. Although she claims it's merely paperwork for new recruits, you detect a hint of worry and exhaustion lingering in her eyes. Something seems to be weighing on her mind.

Just then, her phone beeps, indicating that someone is at the front door. She drops her pen and glances at the notification, coinciding with the doorbell's chime. You make a move to go  answer it, but Wanda swiftly instructs you to wait, displaying a newfound protectiveness and caution. You've noticed her recent installation of a comprehensive security system and the insistence on parking both cars in the garage. While you appreciate the added safety measures, you can't help but wonder what has triggered this heightened vigilance.

Effortlessly rising from her chair, Wanda plants a quick peck on your lips before heading to the front door. "Yes?" she calls out, meeting the man standing on the porch.

"Afternoon, ma'am. I just need you to sign for this package," the man explains, extending his tablet toward Wanda.

Wanda's gaze shifts from the package left on the porch to the man in front of her. You can see her analyzing him as she accepts the tablet and signs off. "Thank you, have a nice day," he says, making his way back to his delivery van.

Bringing the package inside, Wanda places it on the kitchen island and notices it's addressed to you. "Can I open it for you, Detka?" she asks, grabbing a pair of scissors.

You chuckle, raising an eyebrow. "You seem to enjoy opening my packages now," you remark, leaning against the counter.

"What can I say, I love opening new things" she teases, awaiting your permission. "Sure, baby, go ahead," you reply with a chuckle.

As she opens the box, you notice her scrutinizing it as if it's playing tricks on her. The first thing you see is a note with your name on it. She hands it to you with a smile, but a subtle hint of worry lingers in her eyes as she watches you open the card.

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