Chapter 37*

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Hey guys, here's another long chapter! I apologize in advance if it's little slow, and maybe a little messy with mistakes. My ADHD got the best of me 😅 but I promise the next chapter might be something you all have been waiting for. 😉

That same night:

Lying side by side, you both are wrapped gently in soft sheets, your bare forms touching lightly. Wanda's fingers play with yours in mid-air, tracing delicate patterns that seem to dance between you. Each tap of your fingers against hers carries a rhythm of its own, a silent symphony of intimacy.

Propped up on one elbow, her other hand cradles her head as she watches the interplay of your fingers with overwhelming tenderness. The simple motion of your gentle touch melts her heart, reminding her how the smallest gestures you share fill her world with meaning. Her eyes, full of love, are fixed on the dance of your fingertips, capturing a moment of pure connection.

Words are unnecessary as Wanda's gaze shifts to yours, observing as your eyes tenderly follow the movements of her fingers. Your cheek, pressed softly against the pillow, radiates deep contentment. This sight fills her with profound relief, especially as she notices the absence of any discomfort in your expression, a clear sign that the pain is momentarily replaced by peace.

Her fingers intertwine with yours, pausing the delicate movements as she leans down to capture your lips in a tender, rhythmic dance. Her arm wraps around you, drawing you even closer into her embrace, deepening the kiss that eloquently expresses her deep love for you. When her lips finally part from yours, the softness of the touch lingers, leaving both of you slightly breathless.

Gently, she guides your fingers to resume tapping against hers, a playful yet intimate gesture that reinstates the quiet rhythm between you. A warm smile graces her lips as she watches you mindlessly continue the movement, your eyes still glazed with the lingering bliss of the moment.

Both of your eyes are red and puffy, testament to the emotions stirred by the night's deep intimacy. As Wanda gazes at you as if you are the rarest treasure in the world, your mind replays the night, cherishing each memory.

Wanda hums softly, the sound rich with contentment, drawing you to snuggle closer into her embrace. As you bury your face into her chest, she hums even more deeply, her warmth enveloping you completely.

She shifts to lay flat on her side beside you, her fingers weave through your hair, their gentle caress further soothing you.

Looking into each other's eyes, her hand caresses your side while the other remains entwined in your hair. "It's 4 in the morning," you murmur, your voice a whisper in the tranquility of dawn.

"It is, isn't it?" she whispers back, her smile broadening. Her nose brushes against yours, both of you smiling as you listen to the fall wind against the windowpane. "Are you tired, my love?" she whispers softly.

You nod, your fingers gently tracing tender patterns over Wanda's smooth skin, a silent expression of your thoughts. The soft caress keeps the serene environment intact, yet her gaze upon you is inquisitive and deep. "What's on your mind, baby?" she asks, her voice soft and low, barely above the rustle of the sheets and the distant, whispering wind of the fall night outside.

"Just thinking... about everything," you reply hesitantly, the weight of your thoughts evident in your pause. Your hand slows its motion, lingering on a contour of her arm.

Wanda's expression shifts slightly, a flicker of concern passing through her eyes. "The explosion?" she ventures softly, her tone suggesting she's treading carefully around the edges of a still-tender wound between the two of you.

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