Chapter 31

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Throughout the day, the room's tranquility is punctuated by the routine visits of nurses and doctors. They come to check on you, offering nods of encouragement to Wanda and murmurs of medical jargon that speak of slow but hopeful progress.

As the afternoon light begins to fade, casting long shadows across the room, Wanda's phone buzzes with an update. She quickly checks the message, her eyes scanning the words from Maria: "No direct link to Sinclair found yet. Still digging." Wanda sighs, a mixture of frustration and anxiety knotting in her stomach as she sees the time displayed on her phone.

Realizing it's late afternoon and the boys would be back from school, Wanda decides to call her mother. She needs the reassurance that Tommy and Billy are okay, needs to hear the normalcy of their day to counterbalance the tension and worry of her own.

Dialing her mother's number, Wanda tries to steady her voice, to sound stronger than she feels. When her mother answers, Wanda's voice softens, "Hi, Mom. How are the boys? Are they back from school?"

Her mother's response is immediate and soothing, "Yes, dear, they're here with me. They've been asking about you and Y/n. Do you want to talk to them?" Her voice carries a note of gentle concern, aware of the underlying strain Wanda is under.

Wanda's eyes fill with tears, grateful for her mother's steadfast support and the normalcy her sons represent. "Yes, please, I'd like that," she replies, her voice catching with emotion.

"Okay, sweetheart, just a second," her mother says, and Wanda hears the muffled sounds of her moving and calling the boys.

After a brief pause, Wanda hears the familiar, energetic voices of her sons. "Mommy!" they exclaim in unison, their voices a balm to her frayed nerves.

"Hey, my loves," Wanda responds, her voice brightening despite the weariness she feels. "How was school today?"

Tommy's excited voice takes the lead, "It was cool! We did a science experiment in class, and my volcano exploded the best!"

Billy chimes in, "And I drew a picture for you and Y/n. It's us at the park!"

Wanda smiles, the vivid images of their daily life filling her mind, contrasting starkly with the sterile hospital surroundings. "That sounds amazing, boys. I can't wait to see it," she says, her heart aching with love for them.

"Did you guys finish your homework yet?" Wanda asks, her tone light yet carrying the undercurrent of parental responsibility.

"Yeah, Grandma helped me with my math," Billy's voice comes through, tinged with pride.

"And I read a chapter of my book!" Tommy adds quickly, not to be outdone by his brother.

"That's great, guys," Wanda responds warmly, her heart swelling with pride. "And what are you guys having for dinner?"

"Pasta and meatballs, my favorite!" Tommy exclaims, enthusiasm bubbling in his voice.

"Grandma is making a salad, too. It looks pretty good," Billy admits, sounding surprised.

Wanda chuckles softly, the normalcy of the conversation soothing her aching heart. "I'm glad to hear that. And remember to be good for Grandma and Grandpa, okay?"

"We will, Mommy," they assure her in unison.

There's a pause, then Billy's voice comes again, softer this time. "Mommy, what happened to Y/n? Why are you at the hospital so much?"

Wanda's breath catches in her throat. She had hoped to avoid this topic but knew it was inevitable. "Well, my loves, Y/n got hurt, but she's in the hospital where the doctors are taking really good care of her," she explains gently, trying to keep her voice steady.

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