Chapter 40

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Hi guys hope you're all well! I apologize for the delay, I've experienced a loss and just been trying to cope. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was sort of my escape so it's a little long, I hope you don't mind. As usual sorry for any mistakes or if it just doesn't make sense. I'm starting to write the next chapter and depending how I feel I may release another chapter today, just to escape reality. Thank you for your support and reading my books. (Ps; I'm in the middle of brainstorming another book🙂) Feedback is always welcome. 💕

A few days after Halloween.

Wanda's heels click sharply against the linoleum floor as she hurries down the hallway of the elementary school, her overcoat billowing behind her with each determined step. She enters the nurse's office in a rush, her gaze quickly sweeping the room until it lands on her two boys.

"Ms. Maximoff," the nurse begins, reaching out toward her, but Wanda gently brushes past, her focus fixed solely on Tommy and Billy.

Tommy sits slumped in a chair, an ice pack clutched to his knuckles, while Billy sits beside him, visibly upset. The moment Wanda kneels in front of them, they both exclaim, "Mommy!" and fling their arms around her neck in a desperate embrace.

"Oh, my babies," Wanda murmurs, her voice thick with concern. "What happened?" She lifts Tommy's chin gently, her eyes searching his for answers, radiating both worry and love.

Tommy glances at Billy, then back at his mother, hesitating. "I punched a boy named Brandon." Wanda's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, but her expression softens as she waits for him to continue. "He was making fun of Billy during art class," Tommy confesses, holding his mother's gaze with a solemn honesty.

Wanda's attention shifts to Billy, whose head is bowed, his eyes fixed on his lap as he fidgets with his fingers. Her heart aches at the sight, and she reaches out to gently tilt his face upward. "Billy, talk to me, sweetheart," she encourages softly, her tone soothing yet filled with a firm desire to understand the full story.

Billy's eyes well up with tears as he meets his mother's gaze, the weight of the day's events momentarily silencing him. "He said my drawing was stupid," he mumbles, his voice barely above a whisper. "He said it didn't look like anything."

Wanda's expression hardens for just a moment, anger flaring on behalf of her son, but she quickly composes herself. Pulling both boys closer, she envelops them in a reassuring embrace. "Your art is beautiful, baby. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. It's unique because it came from you, and that's what matters most."

She looks between both her sons, her eyes softening as she holds their gaze, ensuring her words sink in. "And Tommy," she adds, turning slightly to acknowledge her other son's protective instincts, "I'm proud that you stood up for your brother, but let's find a way to stand up for each other that doesn't involve hitting, okay?"

Tommy nods, the resolve in his young face mirroring his mother's. "Okay. I just didn't want him to be sad."

"I know, sweetheart," Wanda responds, squeezing Tommy's good hand. As they gather their things and begin to leave, Billy tugs at Wanda's hand, hesitating. There's more he wants to say. Wanda kneels down again, noticing the concern etched across his young face.

"Mommy, there's something else," Billy murmurs quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Brandon said something mean about Momma too."

Wanda's heart clenches at his words, her protective instincts surging. "What did he say about Momma, Billy?" she asks, her tone soft yet firm, encouraging him to open up.

Billy's gaze drops to his shoes, his foot scuffing against the tile floor. "He said Momma doesn't really love us... because... because we aren't really hers. That we have a dad. But I told him we don't like Dad."

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