Chapter 4

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A week has gone by and you make your way to the Maximoffs driveway as the twins wait for you. Every day during your lunch break you go over and play a small game of basketball with the boys. Wanda making her way out of her home office to watch the game as usual and to spend some time with you. You occasionally glance over to her as you catch her already looking at you making your face flush.

"How's work going for you?" You take the water she gives you taking a sip as she watches your lips curl around the tip of it, "uh, good, it's going good. How about you?" She clears her throat looking quickly behind you seeing the twins chalking up the driveway. "Good, not as busy." You smile handing back the water giving her a sly smirk.

"1v1 me?" You twirl the basketball on your finger watching her chuckle, "in your dreams, sweetheart,"

"You're just scared you'd lose," you tease her making her smirk at you, "no, I just don't want to embarrass you in front of your two tiny fans." She nods towards her boys.

"Well, show me what you got," you wink at her throwing the ball behind you making her laugh as it misses completely.

"Wanna try that again?" She walks over to you a smirk forming. Your phone buzzing makes you realize lunch is now over. "Well would you look at that,"

"Sure Detka, you just don't want to lose."'

"You're on Maximoff tomorrow 12pm you and I,"

"Whatever you say, Y/n its on," she puts her hand out for you to shake, you immediately grabbing it giving it a confident shake before making your leave down the driveway saying bye to the twins.

"Oh y/n," Wanda rushed down the driveway stopping you, "I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner? The boys are heading to their grandparents for tonight and I thought we could hang out." A nervous look crosses her face as she waits for you anxiously to say anything. "Absolutely that would be fun." She smiles at your answer biting on her lip, "okay 6?"

"6." You say


You ring her door bell a bottle of wine in hand hearing the door knob jiggle as she proceeds to answer it. "Hi," you say sweetly holding up the bottle of red wine her favorite kind handing it to her. "Thank you, come in."

"Dinner is almost ready," music playing in the background as she works around the kitchen flawlessly. "Can I help?" You finish pouring yourself of white wine her keeping a bottle of your favorite just in case.

"You want to help?" She looks at you surprised not even vision ever offered to help. "Yeah do you need a sou chef?" You make your way over to the counter picking a knife up waiting for her instructions. "Can you chop these green peppers for me?" She smiles at you giving you some vegetables to chop. "Of course only the best sou chef could," you reply.

As you take the knife slicing the peppers, she watches you eyes travelling from your soft fingers up to the curve of your neck. A warm filling her heart on how this feels so right how it feels so natural. You mold perfectly in her life, like you're her missing puzzle piece.

"Look at you," she murmurs watching you, "you really do know how to handle a knife."

"Only the best do," you tease continuing to focus on your dicing. Missing how the entire time she was stirring the pot her eyes raked over your body like a predator stalking their prey.

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