Liam thinks that Niall is cheating. (Niam; side of Nouis and Ziam)

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Niall and Liam have been dating since they were signed to Simon's record label. Everyone had always been very supportive.

Niall loved that Liam cared for him, and Niall loves everything about Liam. The way that Liam protects him when he's scared. The way that Liam is always there when he's sick, or hurt. Niall loved Liam so much that it kills Niall to even think about Liam leaving him.

Liam loved Niall with all of his heart. The Way Niall would light up a room when he walked in, and just a simple laugh or a joke would cheer someone up. Niall was Liam's little ball of energy, and sunshine. But Liam was also very protective over him. He promised Niall that he would protect him from anyone and anything.

Liam never thought that Niall would cheat on him. He didn't even want to think of it. But when Niall started to hang around with Luke from. 5 Seconds of Summer, Liam started to get a little jealous. Niall would go out every night and hang out with Luke. He would come home at the late hours of the night, and come home when Liam was going to bed. Drunk.

Liam was fed up of hardly ever seeing Niall. He decided that he would stay up until Niall came home to talk to him.

Liam was watching currently watching Toy Story when he heard a key scrapping at the lock on the door. Niall walked quietly into the house, thinking that Liam had gone to bed but left the lights on for Niall.

"Where have you been?" Liam said, scaring Niall half to death.

"I've been with Greg and my family. Why?"


"Yes I have. I've been-"

"Yeah sure that what they all say. They all say they've been with family..."

"Liam? I love you. I promise that I haven't been sleeping with someone else." Niall said with sadness filling his voice.

"I think that you should leave."

That's what Niall did he left. He ran to Louis' house. Louis had always been so supportive of Niall and Liam's relationship. Niall had always gone to Louis whenever he a a question about relationships, and Louis has always given Niall is most honest opinion on what to do.

Niall ran to Louis' place in all tears. He knocked on the door, but fell to his knees, sobs racking his tiny frame.

"Niall?! What's wrong?! What happened?! C'mon, let's get you inside and out of the rain." Louis led Niall inside and to the couch. He ran upstairs to get Niall his favorite blanket for when he comes over here.

"Louis? Who crying so hard?"


"What happened?"

"I don't know. I'm not going to pressure him into telling me tonight though." Zayn nodded in agreement.

Niall had been at Louis and Zayn's flat all night, and Louis never left his side except to use the bathroom and get something to eat. Louis brought Niall upstairs around 11, when he was sure that Niall was asleep.

It was the morning at 9:36 when Louis woke up to someone knocking at the door.

"GOT IT!" Zayn yelled.

Louis decided to go downstairs and make Niall a cup of tea and something to eat. He got untangled from Niall's limbs put on a pair of sweatpants and called it good. When he got downstairs and saw Liam talking to Zayn.

"-I got into this fight with Niall last night. He kept saying that he was with his family, and was helping Greg plan something. But I didn't believe him one bit."

"Is that why he came crying here last night?" Louis asked a little angry that Liam would do such a thing.

"He came here crying?"

"Not just crying! He was balling his eyes out! And I felt like I could do nothing. He came here soaked, shaking, and crying. All because you ACCUSED him of cheating on you. Do you realize that when he comes here to hang out with me all he talks about his you! And how caring, sweet, loving, and how much he loves you! Niall would NEVER have that heart enough to cheat on you! And you think that Niall would cheat on you?! And you insane?"

"He's right you know." A voice from the stairs said. They all turned around to see Niall standing there tears falling from his eyes on to his soft, pale cheeks. "Liam, I swear on my life that I was with my family, and I was helping Greg plan his wedding. He wants me to be his best man. Liam please you have to believe me, you can even call Greg an ask his yourself. Please." He cried out, dropping to his knees. No one had ever seen Niall cry like before, Louis got down on his knees and took Niall into his arms.

Liam felt his heart clench at the sound of Niall crying into Louis' chest. He got down and took Niall from Louis' arms, got on the couch and put Niall on his lap.

"Niall, calm down. It's okay... I believe you. Please baby, calm down. I promise it's okay. There's no need for these tears." Liam took the pads of his thumbs and wiped Niall's tears away. Then he tools Niall's face in his hands and kisses him on the lips. "I love you. I promise the believe you."

"I love you, too." Niall said quietly as his eyes were closing.

"I think I'm gonna take him home."

"Alright. We'll see you guys later."

Liam picked Niall up so that Niall's legs were wrapped around his waist. Niall wrapped his arms around Liam's neck, and tucked his head into his neck, also.

Liam started to walk home with Niall clung onto him like a Koloa.

The end!!! I love writing this story so much. I know that Harry wasn't present in this story I just couldn't find a place for him.

Anyway! Please leave a prompt below or send them to my inbox!

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