Strep throat can cause a lot of problems. (Niall centric/Nourriam)

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I would like to thank NiallersGirl20 and StaceyStonier for the prompts! They both sent in different prompts, but I combined them together to make one big prompt! There will also be more than one part to this story!

I hope you enjoy!

(Niall'a POV)

I had went to bed last night with a sore throat. I didn't want to tell anyone about it because I knew that I would be forced to go to the doctors. 

I woke up with morning with the pain in my throat being worse than before I went to bed. I got out of my bunk and walked out into the lounge area at the back of the bus to see Liam there playing some FIFA.

"Hey Nialler." I didn't say anything I just walked over and sat next to him on the couch. "What's wrong."

"Throat hurts." I whisper.

"Do you want some medicine and some tea?" I nodded. I watched Liam leave the area and didn't move my gaze until he came back a few minutes later with some meds and some tea. 

"Here take these first." I put the two pills in my mouth and took the drink from Liam to take with the pills. "Better?" I only shrugged and finished me tea. 

I set the cup on the table in front of the couch and leaned into Liam. I felt his hand move to my forehead. 

"You're a little warm. If not better by this afternoon I'm gonna take you to the doctors. Alright?" I only nodded and fell asleep. 

(One hour later; Niall's POV)

 I was enjoying a peaceful sleep when I was rudely interrupted by Louis and Harry shouting over something that I didn't really care about. 


"Yeah Ni." 

"My throat hurts."

"Still?" I nodded. "Do you want to go to the doctors?" I was hesitant at first, but quickly agreed. "Alright. I'll text Paul."

(45 minutes later; Liam's POV)

Niall and I have been sitting in the waiting of the hospital. Niall had managed to fall asleep whiling resting his head on my shoulder. I decided that I should probably wake him up as he would be getting called back any minute now.

"Niall?" I called while shaking in shoulder. He looked up at me with pain in his eyes. "You alright?" He shook his head and pointed to his throat. 

"Niall Horan?" Both Niall and I stood and walked up to the doctor who led us to a private room. "What seems to be the problem?" Niall looked at the doctor then looked at me. 

"He's been complaining of a sore throat. He says that it hurts to talk and swallow." The doctor was writing some notes down as I told what Niall was experiencing.

"Alright. We are just going to do some tests so we can figure out what the problem is."

(Many tests later; Liam's POV)

I could tell that Niall was tired. He kept closing his eyes for long periods of time and his head would drop down, then his head would shoot back up. I watched in awe has he tired to stay awake. 

All of my thoughts were disturb when the doctor walked back in the room. 

"Mr.Horan as strep throat. We will put him on medication that should help. He is not going to be able to sing, as we believe that will slow the healing process. We also want him to try and rest his voice as much as possible." I nodded along and the doctor handed me a bottle of medication for Niall to take. I slipped them into my pocket and picked Niall up. 

We managed to make it back to the tour bus without Niall waking up. I decided to put him in his bunk and let him sleep till he woke up. 

The other boys and I were sitting around playing FIFA when Niall walked in. I handed him a pill for him to take. 

He shook him head. 

"Niall. C'mon just take it please." He gave in and took the medicine without me forcing it down his throat.

Alright! I hope you all enjoyed! I decided that I would quickly write the first of two parts before my One Direction concert tomorrow! I'm not sure if the second part will be up. If not it will be up on Sunday!

Thanks for reading!

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