Baby Niall(Ziall centric/Zianourry)

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I would like to thank @keyana02 for this prompt.

It started as a normal day off for Zayn and baby Niall. They had already eaten breakfast, and were chilling in the living room. Zayn was on his laptop doing something, while Niall was sitting on the floor, in his onesie, playing with his toys. It silent till Zayn's phone starting ringing it was a call from Harry.

(BOLD~HARRY; Italics~Zayn)


"Hey Z. Are you and Niall doing anything right now. Lou, Li, and I were going to have a band meeting and we were wondering if you and Niall would like to join us."

"Uhhh... Yeah, I guess we could join you. We'll be over in 30 minutes. That okay?"

"Yeah sure. See you then." 

"See ya later."


"Niall. C'mere buddy." Zayn encouraged Niall to crawl over to him. "Hey, Ni. I need you to be a big boy. Do you think you can do that for me?"

(15 minutes later;Zayn's POV)

I've tried everything to get Niall out of his headspace, but nothing seems to work. Harry called about 15 minutes ago, and I had told him that Niall and I would be over in about half an hour. Harry's flat is only about a five minuted drive anyway.  

I grabbed a sleepy Niall of the couch where he was pouting, since I took his dummy away, and placed him in his carseat. I went to lock the door. I came back to the car to find Niall asleep. Great.


(Still Zayn's POV)

I pulled into Harry's driveway, and realized that it was going to be hard to explain why Niall was in a onesie. Luckily he had on one that he wore all time around the boys. I go around to the passenger side and gently woke Niall up. 

"Niall... Buddy. C'mon, we're here. You gotta wake up for me."

"Zayn?" Zayn? He only calls me Zayn when he's not in his headspace. 

"Niall? Are you a big boy?"

"Yeah." I chuckled.  

"Alright. Let's go." I said helping him out of the car. Once we got up to the door I knocked and Harry opened up. 

"Hey guys."


"C'mon we don't have all day." Harry laughed as he gestured us in the door. 

(Sometime later; Still Zayn's POV)

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