"We didn't kiss." (Ziall Centric)

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I would like to thank Enaxor1993 for the prompt! It took a little longer than normal to think of an idea to write this prompt! But I figured it out, so its all good!

 I did change it a little bit so it happened at a concert, not in a video.

Hope you enjoy!

(Niall's POV)

I was backstage at the concert in Sydney, Australia getting ready to go on stage. I was a little nervous, but nothing to bad. 

My nerves slowly disappeared when I heard the music to 'Clouds' begin. 

We were about halfway through the show when Zayn walked up to me, and told me a dirty little joke. The screams brought me back to reality.

(After the show; Amazing time hop, I know.) 

It was after the show and I was on twitter, I had looked at the trends to see "Ziallisreal" trending. I clicked on the trend to see loads of pictures of Zayn and I during the show. 


"Yeah, Ni?"

"Look at this." I told him handing in my phone. 

"I'm so confused. Why do they all think that we kissed?"

"I haven't got a clue." We sat in silence as I continued scrolling through my feed. 

(The next day; No POV)

The boys were making their way to an interview. Niall and Zayn haven't said a work to each other since last night when Niall showed the trend to Zayn. The other lads could feel the tension between the two, but decided to let them figure it out themselves. 

It was during the interview when it happen.

"Niall. Last night at the show it was reported that you and Zayn kissed. How does it make you feel that your fanbase supports your sexuality." Niall was getting more and more irritated by the minute.

"I'm not gay, and Zayn and I didn't kiss." The interviewer's jaw dropped. 


"No, no buts. Zayn whispered something in my ear, and I guess the fans thought we kissed, but we didn't." Niall spoke firmly. After the answered the question he stood from his spot on the couch and walked out of the interview. 

(Zayn's POV)

I'm glad that Niall stood up for both of us. The rumors and the constant trends were getting really annoying. I wasn't surprised when Niall walked off like he did. The other lads and I just continued the interview like nothing happened. 

I ran off the set and outside to see Niall sitting in the van on his phone. 



"You okay?"

"Fine. Why?"

"You just seemed tense back there." He shrugged. "You did a good thing back there."


I knew Niall was sensitive, but he didn't really speak his mind when it came to things like this. I'm glad he's starting to stand up for himself. 

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