Sick Harry (Narry; Part 2)

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(Paul's POV)

"They took him into surgery. They said his appendix was about to burst." He cried bursting into another round of sobs. It hurt me to see Niall so upset, he was usually the happiest of the group whether he was having a bad day or not.


I've been sitting here for about half an hour with Ni. He was sitting on my lap with his head in the crook my neck. His cries had slowly diminished, and he had fallen asleep. I was sitting here waiting for some news on Harry when finally a doctor came out.

"Harry Styles." I raised my free hand, stood up, put Niall on the chair and walked a few feet away so our talking wouldn't wake him.

"How is Harry?"

"Harry is perfectly fine. The surgery was a complete, he should make a full recovery. He can head home tomorrow, and make sure he takes it easy. I going to say that he can still preform, but makes sure he doesn't jump around or anything like that."

"Can we go see him?"

"Yes. Follow this hall, and it's the last door on the right."

"Thank you."

"And there is an extra bad in his room that you can put him on if he doesn't wake up."

"Thank you for everything."

"Its part of my job." He said and walked away. I walked back to Niall, and picked him. It wasn't a long walk to Harry's room.

I walked into the open door, and saw that Harry was awake.

"Paul? Is that Niall? Is he okay?" He said trying to sit up.

"Haz, lean back down. Yes, this is Niall. Yes, he is alright, he's just asleep." I calmly said as I walked over to the empty bed, and gently laid Niall down. "How and you feeling, Haz?"

"A little sore, but not to bad." He said starring at Niall. "Where are the other lads?"

"I told them to take the car and head back to the hotel."

"When can I leave?"

"I'm not sure. I'll ask next time someone comes to check on you, but for the mean time go to sleep."


(Niall's POV)

I knew that I fell asleep on Paul's lap, and that we were in the hospital for Harry. I was so relieved when I found out that he would be okay.

It was the day after his surgery when the doctor said that he could go home, as long as he takes it easy, and very easy when he performs on stage.

I was glad that he was going to be okay.


(A few weeks later; Harrys's POV)

I was fully recovered from my surgery, but I was worried about Niall. He kept telling me to take it easy, even though the doctor cleared me. He looked like he wasn't sleep at night, or eating during the day. I don't know if something is wrong with him, but I am going to figure it out. I hope so.

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