Afriad of You... And Thunderstorms (Zianourry)

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I would like to thank Baronvonhookhand for the prompt!

Niall was only 4 when his mother decided to not care about him anymore and put him up for adoption.

He was abused to the point where we was deathly afraid of her. He would cry all the time, only causing her to get angry and hit him more.

She was sick and tired of him. Wanted to get rid of him. So she drove to the closest orphanage, and left him on the sidewalk. It thundered that night, and Niall only be 4 was terrified of thunder. He ran up to the door and knocked and screamed, not caring if a random stranger opened the door.

The door opened and get was treated with warm arms.

*Zayn's POV*

Harry and I were at the orphanage looking at children to adopt. It start thundering so the employees had to go and calm some of the children down, while we were waiting I heard knocking and screaming coming from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and was shocked to see a small, blonde haired child screaming his head off. I piece of paper taped to the front of his shirt.

'To whom it may concern: I'm at leaving this rotten child here. I don't want him anymore. His name is Niall.'

I was shocked that someone could just leave a small child on the front steps of an orphanage like that.

Niall. Niall was his name.

"Niall? Hun, it's alright. I've got you." Still sobbing into my neck.

I walked back inside and handed the note to Harry.

"I think he's the one Haz."

"Alright." He said handing the note to the lady who was helping up before, "we'd like to adopt Niall here." She nodded her head and pulled out some paper work.

Several hours later we were in a children's store picking out clothes, toys, and everything Niall may need.

I was nervous to bring Niall home. Our two oldest sons, Louis and Liam, are very lows and rambunctious. I'm afraid that they'll scare Niall.

*later that night*
"Louis! Be quiet! You're scaring Niall!" Harry yelled to the boy at the top of the stairs.

Niall was crying into my chest. Scared.

A few minutes later after Louis had become quiet, Niall fell asleep.

*a month later*

It's been a month since Zayn and Harry had adopted Niall, he had gotten used to everything except Louis and Liam. They scared him to pieces. He enjoyed it when they left for school, but dreaded it when they came home.

Harry and Zayn had to leave for a business trip at the end of the week, both of the scared to leave Niall alone with their oldest sons, knowing they scared him sometimes.
"We'll be back the middle of next week. We've called you both out of school while we're gone. We expect you to be good and don't scare Niall. Please. You know where we keep all of his things. Don't be afraid to call if you need us." Zayn rambles until Hardy forces him out the door.

Niall crying. Liam picking him up. Niall calmed down a little, warming up to Liam.
Everything was going smoothly, until it started thundering. Niall, being Niall, ran and hid.

Hiding where he usually hides. Under his bed.

Louis was home alone with Niall, since Liam went out with some friends.  Niall could hear Louis shouting for him.

"Niall! Niall! Please come out! It's alright, I promise!" Niall could head Louis' voice getting louder. He say his feet. Next he saw Louis' face. "Niall, come here buddy. I've got you." Reaching his hand under the bed for Niall to grab.

Niall took his hand. Starting to trust the older boy. Niall crawled out from under the bed and was swiftly taken into a hug. Niall started crying into Louis' neck.

Louis holding Niall and not letting go. Got Niall some milk, a blanket, and his favorite stuffed animal. Together they went and laid on the couch. Niall finished his milk then laid on his stomach on Louis' chest. Niall's head resting on his shoulder.

When Harry and Zayn got home that night, they were very pleased to see that Niall and Louis were sleeping together like that in the couch.
After that night, Niall was no longer afraid of the two older boys.

There ya go! I hope you liked it!

Sorry if it's not exactly what you wanted, I tried!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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