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Mila James

Bodies charge around me as I enter the Ramirez empire. It astounds me I'm even here, and for a moment, I consider turning around and running as fast as I can. Thankfully, I don't, and within less than a minute, a charming pencil skirt strides towards me with a cotton candy smile.

"Hey?" She smirks. "Can I help you?"

I can tell she pulled me out from the crowd, my white crop top and frayed backpack making me stick out like a sore thumb. "I'm here to interview."

"Don't fret, Avery, I'm on it!" A new voice declares, and behind me, a powerful-looking brunette lifts a hand against my shoulder. "Come on, follow me!"

"Oh, sure," I hesitate "Thanks?"

We leave Avery in the lobby and make our way towards an elevator. "You're early!" The woman smiles. "Good start. Miss Ramirez appreciates a vigilant attitude."

"Miss Ramirez?" I query, my stomach sinking upon hearing the name "My interview is with Miss Ramirez?"

The woman turns towards me. "This is her company, darling," she chuckles. "Were you hoping the mail man was going to meet with you?"

I shake my head and realise myself to be mistaken. It makes sense, but I can't understand why the billionaire businesswoman would interview people to shred her faulty documents.

"I guess not," I laugh nervously, silencing as we lift to the top floor of the high-rise fashion house

"Harlow by the way, I work under Scarlet," the brunette hums, and when glancing across to her pricey looking bracelet, I'm more so amazed by the infinite quantity of diamonds "I make sure she's able to work without worrying about logistics, not that she ever lets me ease her workload!"

I hum, but I'm soon silent when the elevator opens up into a vast open territory crawling with long-legged models and an overwhelming amount of mirrors.

"Hurry, she's waiting!" I follow behind without hesitation, my choice of outfit continuing to make me feel small as I look around at the expensive items of clothing. "This way!"

Soon, we arrive towards the back of the floor, an enormous, closed office glaring back at me like a window of fear. This doesn't feel right, and no matter how much I try to reason with myself, meeting Scarlet is something I'm unable to prepare for

Harlow teases the door open in front of me, and the humming electricity within my stomach snaps when I lay eyes on Scarlet for the first time. Instantly, my throat tightens, and my legs decline to move from the doorway as I try to convince myself to breathe.

She looks impossibly beautiful.

Thick, inky black hair cascades messily over her shoulders, and the contrast of her pale skin against the perfectly fitted black gown makes me question my skinny fit jeans. I flinch when she moves her delicate wrist, a glittering diamond Rolex hypnotizing me momentarily while she refuses to even look up from her expensive desk.

It only takes a moment more for her to look up from the sea of documents beneath her, and the bright, emerald green eyes meet with mine like lightning to a dazzled tree. She hands me an inviting yet inaccessible nod, but I can tell already that she is meticulously studying me with every step I take towards her.

The scent of her strong, feminine perfume meets me as I sit, and my stomach twists with uncertainty. "Mila James," she announces before lifting her eyes once again. "Correct?"

Her voice is like a raspy velvet, smooth but deep. I shuffle restlessly and nod, clearing my throat in hopes it will encourage me to talk. "Yes" I confirm "That's me."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now