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Harlow wonders around the booths and makes conversation with people I've never met. Strangely, I miss her company. She's fun. Unlike Scarlet, she's in a good mood tonight, and being in her presence does me more favours than I'd anticipated.

I should be angry at her for getting in the way, but I'm not. She told me she wasn't a threat. She is, but tonight, she feels like nothing more than an outrageously gorgeous party hound. Willow floats around too, her idea of making friends now a reality as she giggles with Jess, a model in Scarlet's close circle.

It's strange. A few days ago, I would have imagined this night to have played out differently. Right now, I'm sat on my own while my friends and current situation-ship make happy with strangers around the room. I know I should probably do the same, embracing the night life is good for you, but something inside of me keeps telling me to stay put.

I watch Scarlet carefully, observing the way she interacts. She lifts her palm and grazes a woman's elbow with a smile. She is good at socialising, and clearly, those around her hang on her every word. I wish I was doing the same right now.

I miss her. I miss her body. I miss her voice.

It's horrible being apart from each other. I just want to be cuddled up in bed watching movies while Teddy and Maisie sleep. I want to be stroking her cheek while she kisses me softly, her hands holding my lower back as if trying to keep me safe.

Instead, she's clinking a glass with an assumed partner. She doesn't even look at me. She doesn't want to talk to me. Why I came here tonight, I have no idea. I feel useless, like my presence is nothing but a number in her world of fame.

"Hey, muffin." Harlow hands me another drink, her bright eyes looking down on me as I sit on my own against the plush navy blue booth. "You look so sad right now. What's wrong?"

I shrug. "Bored." I chuckle. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

Her eyes drift to Scarlet. "She hasn't spoken to you yet?"

"Nope." I sip the strong cocktail in my palm. "She can't even look at me. I guess telling her how I feel was a mistake."

Harlow scoffs, and quickly, I'm able to see the terrifying truth behind her sweet smile. She runs rings around Scarlet, her intimidating prowl forcing me to take the hand she holds out for me. "Come on. Let's go dance." She prompts, pulling me out of the booth and onto the dance floor. "Leave her be."

We find a spot just shy of the booth and begin moving in time with the music. Harlow smirks at me, eyeing my god awful steps before screwing her brow. "What?" I cackle. "I'm an artist, not a dancer."

"I'm a logistics manager, I can still move." She laughs back, but instead of suffering the sight of my terrible performance, she wraps her palm around my waist and pulls me close to her stomach. "You're impossible, Mila. Just follow me, it's not that hard."

"You're a natural." I smile, moving my hands to her shoulders. "Clearly I'm not. Be nice."

"I'm not nice." She winks, sipping her drink with a seductive smirk. "Nobody likes nice."

I gasp when her hand pulls me chest to chest with her exposed skin. She's warm, hot even. I glance over at Scarlet, she's watching us. "Wont this piss her off?" I chuckle awkwardly, lacing my hands around the back of her neck. "Us being so close tonight?"

Harlow rolls her eyes, handing her drink off to a bartender. She moves her spare hand to my jaw, tilting my head enough to meet my ear with her hot lips. "It's a party, Mila." She rasps. "If she can't loosen up, that's her fault."

She pulls back and looks me up and down, her gaze studying me as if she wants to kiss me. I must be crazy. Harlow would never kiss me, she loves Scarlet too much, but for some reason, her lips inch closer to mine. I look up at Scarlet, she's still staring, her body language tense and unmoving.

"She's staring." I swallow, quickly finding myself caught in Harlow's enchanting eyes. "Like, a lot."

"Oh yeah?" Harlow wets her lower lip. "I bet she wishes she was me right now. I bet she wishes she was this close to your pretty lips."

My chest pounds, the scent of her perfume washing me up while fearful of Scarlet's reaction. "She won't talk to me." Anger builds in my stomach. "It's not like I did anything wrong."

"Exactly right." Harlow leans in, kissing the side of my throat. I jerk, closing my eyes momentarily. "You're doing fine. She just needs to realise a few things before she can give you what you want."

"Realise things?" Her lips press against my neck again, Scarlet is still staring. "Like what?"

Her hands move and sit over my hips. "I think it's obvious." She husks. "You're an intelligent woman, Mila."

"These days, I'm starting to doubt that." I laugh, watching Scarlet whisper into Maria's ear. "I wish I knew the right thing to do."

Harlow smiles, pushing a strand of hair from my face behind my ear. "You have to trust your gut. Scarlet isn't very good at it, I try to encourage her to use her instincts but she's stuck in her ways."

"She's very logical." I agree. "I just want her to be impulsive and take a stand."

Harlow nods proudly. "Likewise." She steps in, stroking my cheek gently. "She needs to take what's hers."

I look up again, but this time, Scarlet isn't there. She's gone, out of sight and no where to be seen.

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now