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I wake up the next morning after a night spent spooning and snuggling. Fox picked Maisie up from school, and she was more than happy to see her two favourite people in the world. As well as me. I scratch my eyes and strain to move, noticing myself to be restricted by the sleeping arm Scarlet has wrapped around my waist.

I look down at her black manicure and smile, tickling the crease in her wrist while listening out for the two downstairs now crashing toys together as if in a circus. They giggle and talk like best friends, and it reassures me to know that if me and Scarlet should work, they can too.

She squirms behind me and yawns into my back, her warm nose nuzzling into my spine. I chuckle, reaching back to stroke her thigh. She stirs, mumbling under her breath before moving her hand to cup my chest. It feels natural, her and me. It feels like home, unlike my shitty apartment a few blocks away.

I've never felt this way before. I've never even looked at someone the way I look at her. She makes me feel safe but equally vulnerable. Her social status in the world of fashion and her undeniable fame makes me nervous, but her outrageous good looks and sensitive personality leave me far more comforted than anyone I know.

A few moments pass in the bliss of her weighted covers before the sound of footsteps clambering up the stairs forces my neck to peer through the door. Maisie comes first, jumping on the bed over Scarlets legs, and then Teddy, he pulls himself onto the charcoal sheets and crawls to sit in front of me.

Scarlet wakes from her slumber and smiles, pulling Maisie into her lap under the covers while I do the same with Teddy. She looks at me and smiles before resting her head on my shoulder, the talkative two now telling us all about their imaginary friends.

"Teddy has a green monster." Maisie claims. "He said it hides under his bed."

"Is that so?" Scarlet rasps, her sore throat still coarse and deep. "I thought he was blue?"

"He is blue and green." He clarifies passionately, crinkling his brow with a fake pout. "He has lots of colours."

Scarlet nods. "Makes sense."

"You stay home today?" Asks Teddy, pointing at Scarlet's chest. "We can go to the beach."

"Yes!" Maisie squeals, jumping up and down in Scarlet's lap. "I love the beach. Please Mila?"

I look over at Scarlet and swallow. "You have school today." I reply. "Me and Scarlet have to work too."

"Maybe not?" Scarlet hesitates. "I mean, Harlow has me covered today, and the kids could skip just this once?" I look at her with raised brows while Maisie beams from across the bed. "It would be fun?"

"Please Mila?" Teddy tugs at my shirt.

"Fine." I sigh. "Beach it is."

Both kids jump up and dance on the bed as if being told they've won the lottery. Scarlet smiles, leaning down to lay on my chest with a small cough that reminds me of her flaking health. It feels strange yet equally incredible to see her so vulnerable and soft. Her persona at work in no way present in this moment.

After a good half an hour of lounging and celebrating, we put to work and get ready for the day. Scarlet dresses Teddy in cute shorts and a tan t-shirt, while Maisie sports a white dress. It takes no longer than an hour to get out the door, a private car waiting to take us to the white sand beach only ten minutes away.

"It's beautiful here." I admit. My eyes scan the ocean ahead. "Beats the office."

"Teddy loves it here. He's a water baby." Scarlet laughs, placing out stuff down in the centre of the sand. "I like it too. I just wish I had more time to come."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now