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Part 1 of 2

Maisie skips out of the private car and makes her way toward Scarlet's door. I'm not sure who's more excited about tonight, me or her. Last night was amazing, and I know it will take a lot to top it, but knowing Scarlet, there is a big chance I'll walk away saying the same thing over.

I lift my hand and knock on the door. Soon after, Harlow appears with a beaming smile and welcoming demeanour. I should have known she'd be here.

"Hey, guys. Come in." She extends her arm and welcomes us past the threshold. Maisie jumps up and down while taking her shoes off, her backpack full of Barbies sliding down her arms. "I think someone may be a little excited, huh."

Maisie glances up at Harlow briefly before fixing her gaze down the hallway. "She hasn't stopped talking about Scarlet since the other day," Harlow nods knowingly. I had to tell her what we were doing tonight in the car so she didn't explode at home."

"Scarlet has that effect on people," she winks. "I think it's the pretty gene."

"That and the mind-melting perfume."

"You've got good taste, James," Harlow chuckles.

"Likewise." Her brow perks and it's obvious she knows what I'm talking about. "Sorry. Too far?"

Her smile returns, but this time it's a smirk. "I'm no threat to you, angel," she confirms confidently, heading toward the kitchen with Maisie following closely behind.

I know Scarlet likes me, and despite what Harlow may say to be true, I have never felt more threatened before in my life. Harlow is gorgeous, maybe even on par with Scarlet in a way, and no matter which way I frame it, together, they look incredible.

Still, I have to remember that this world is new to me. It could be totally normal for CEOs to have the occasional hook-up with their charming assistants—not that Harlow is an assistant. She seems to be more of a housewife if anything.

I let my mind wander for a few seconds before Maisie drops her backpack and runs toward Scarlet. She's talking on the phone, but that doesn't stop her from reaching down with one arm to scoop her up onto her hip with a silent smile. My theory that Scarlet spends time at the gym is confirmed instantly. Lately, picking Maisie up is at least a two-handed job.

"Get it done," she says sternly into the receiver while rocking Maisie on her hip. I can't get rid of the butterflies. Watching Maisie melt into her shoulder as if waiting for days to be reunited strikes me. She didn't greet Harlow this way. She doesn't greet anyone this way.

"I expect to meet with you tomorrow. If this isn't locked in before lunch, we will have a very big issue. Understood?" Maisie fiddles with the necklace around Scarlet's neck. I can't even imagine how much it must cost, but she does nothing to stop her from tracing the tiny diamonds. "You too. Bye." Scarlet shoves her phone into her bag and greets Maisie properly. "Hey, beautiful girl. How are you?"

Maisie shrivels up into a blushing mess, her sparkly smile enough to elicit a toothy grin from Harlow standing across the room. "She's super excited to see you both again."

"I'm excited to see you too!" Scarlet sets Maisie back on the floor and holds both of her hands. "I'm so happy you're here."

"I talked about you in school." Scarlet's eyes soften in a way I have never seen them before. "I told my class that I met a real princess, and they were jealous of me."

"I bet." Scarlet replies. "Not many people are lucky enough to know even one princess, let alone a whole bunch?"

Maisie jumps up and down. "Yeah, and a prince too."

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