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I avoid Scarlet for most of the day.

I can feel the unsettling tension every time I'm forced to hand over work. She tries to speak, and so do I, but neither of us are able to. Instead, we decide without conferring that conversation is out of the question right now.

Harlow too. She ignores me with an awkward smile, her bright eyes now dim and avoiding. The only person I feel I'm able to speak with is Fox, and for the most part, he's helpful. He helped me fold some old garments while going over the events that lead us here, and for a while, it was comforting.

Now, as the day draws to a close, me and Scarlet seem to be the only ones left on the floor. The moon carves lines into the marble, a darkness that calms me momentarily while I muddle through a portfolio of designs I'm unable to decipher.

I decide to stay away from her office. She too hasn't moved for hours. We're afraid of each other now, and I'm almost glad not to be faced with her gorgeous two piece suit. It's different to yesterday's ensemble, but no less attractive and more so, alluring.

I spend the best part of an hour pressing sticky notes onto the plastic pages of the folder. Scarlet scribbled a note that made it clear I wasn't to mix anything up. When the sound of movement finally escapes her office, I'm left tense and unable to move.

I try my best to carry on with the task at hand, but the sound of her heels walking slowly toward me makes it impossible to focus. Eventually, the heels stop. She's beside me, waiting for me to look up, but I don't.

"This is amazing, Mila." The shadow of my portfolio catches my eye. "You're an excellent designer."

I tighten my jaw and say nothing.

She places it beside me and steps back. "I'm not just saying it to win you over. I mean it." Her voice is raspy, as if she hasn't spoken for hours. "I'm almost certain I have some projects you could work on with the design team."

I drag the portfolio closer to me and continue with the work in front. "I'm sure your team have more than I have to offer." I know that it's spiteful, but right now, I'm not so sure I can help it. "I'll leave it to them."

"I disagree." She clears her throat, her fingers interlinked in front of her hips. "You have a unique outlook. A big heart that makes this entire portfolio feel passionate and powerful over technical detail I'd expect from industry bugs. You'd fit right in."

I huff, turning the page a little harder. "I have work to do, Scarlet." I bite. "I'm sure you do too."

"The work can wait until tomorrow." She states. "It's late. You don't have to stay here until it's done."

"I don't like to leave things unfinished." I sigh. "I follow through and make sure things make sense before I go home. It makes everybodies lives a hell of a lot easier."

"I know what you're doing." She swallows.

I chuckle. "Yeah?"

"Yes." She reaches for the folder between my elbows and snatches it away. "Mila, what you saw yesterday was not what it looked like."

"No?" I stand from my seated position and fold my arms tight. "Because to me, it looked a lot like Harlow had her tongue in your mouth and your ass in her hand. What am I missing here?"

I can see her jaw flex as she goes to speak. "I like you, Mila." She admits. "A lot. I'm serious about this. I wouldn't lie to you."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now