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The clock ticks steadily as I lean over the kitchen counter, my fingertips drumming against the surface. I can hear Scarlet's car crunching against the gravel outside. She hasn't spoken to me for most of the day, and I'm certain things will be no different when she steps through the front door.

"Mila. Teddy keeps taking my charger." Maisie grunts, sliding her dead phone toward me. "I have to call Ella and tell her about Shane!"


She rolls her eyes and slams her palms against the counter. "He's dating Chloe." She looks at me as if I should know about the dating scene she is referring to. "It's a big deal."

I huff. "Teddy!" He runs toward me quickly, his beanie covering the fluffy curls spilling into his eyes. "Did you take your sister's charger?"

He furrows his brow and scoffs. "No!"

"You're such a liar?" Maisie retaliates.

"No I'm not?"

"Yes! You are!" Maisie walks toward him, a dark prowl I can unfortunately recognise. "Give it back, now."

"I don't have it!"

"Yes, you do!" I round the counter and stand between them, my words unheard as they begin their back and forth argument. "I swear to god, Teddy! Why are you such a jerk?"

"You just wanna talk about boys!" He yells back.

"Guys stop!" I try to reason, but neither listen, and I doubt they can even hear me.

"You're just jealous. Sucks not having friends, right?"

"Shut up!"

Teddy screams back, launching himself toward her before a new voice swallows the room "Enough!" Scarlet slams her palm on the counter, the pair in front now stood with a militant posture. "Calm down, NOW!"

They step back, their jaws tensing.

She walks toward them, her eyes a dangerous shade of black. "I did not just walk into my house, after a long day at work, only to find you guys arguing over a phone charger." Maisie looks down. "Are you serious Maisie? Teddy?"

"He keeps taking my stuff-

"I don't care!" Scarlet retaliates. "You don't get to yell at each other and fight each other." Her raspy voice ignites a flame in my stomach, the frustration I inflicted earlier in the day now doing me a strange favour. "Clearly, technology is becoming toxic in this household."

Maisie's jaw drops, predicting Scarlet's next statement.

"Phone." She extends her palms, her expression cold and waiting. "Now."

"You can't-


Maisie grunts, turning to grab the dead device before slamming it into her palm. Teddy does the same, running to the couch before handing it over. It makes my stomach twist. I've never been good at the whole discipline thing. I normally leave it to Scarlet. But this? Jesus Christ is it sexy.

"Now, if you can learn how to be siblings again, you can have them back." She begins. "You can keep your TV's. Teddy, the Xbox can stay, but best believe, if I see you two arguing over electronics again, you'll lose access to everything with a power-cord!"

Teddy shakes his head and folds his arms, the side eye at Maisie noticed by Scarlet. She walks toward him and pulls him in for a cuddle. "Siblings are supposed to love each other, not try to kill each other. A few days without a phone will do you the world of good."

"She started it!"

"I finished it." She lowers her head to meet him eye to eye. "Upstairs, bed." Her lips meet his forehead with a small kiss before moving to Maisie. "You too."

I turn to Scarlet, the sternness in her face softening as she lets out a sigh. "That was impressive," I say, leaning against the counter, giving her a sly smile. "You always know how to take control."

She glances at me, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Someone has to," she replies, her tone blunt. She's playing hard to get, and I can't help but smirk. She's always so composed, but I love seeing that flicker of frustration in her eyes.

"You know," I continue, stepping closer. "The way you handle stuff like that, it really turns me on." I let my fingers brush against her arm, my voice dropping to a whisper. "It's sexy."

Scarlet raises an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Oh really?" she says, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Because earlier today, you didn't seem to appreciate my authority very much."

I chuckle, knowing exactly what she's referring to. "Come on. You know I was just having a bit of fun. Besides," I lean in closer, our faces just inches apart, "I like it when you get all bossy."

She shakes her head, a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. "You are impossible, Mila."

"And yet, here we are," I say, my hand now resting on her waist. "Admit it, you like the chase."

She doesn't respond immediately, but the way her gaze softens tells me everything I need to know. I pull her closer, my lips brushing against her ear. "I promise, I'll make it up to you."

She pulls back slightly, looking me in the eye. "You better," she says, her voice a mix of challenge and promise.

I smile, knowing I've broken through her tough exterior. "Dinner?" I suggest, my thumb tracing small circles on her hip. "I made your favorite."

Her lips curve into a genuine smile. "Fine," she says. "But don't think you're off the hook yet."

I laugh, feeling a warmth spread through me. "Wouldn't dream of it." I say, leading her towards the dining table.

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now