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I check my watch and sigh. It's almost nine. Maisie should be dead asleep by now, and my list of jobs is nowhere near complete. Fox told me I should leave when my shift ends, but I'm adamant about proving myself as an employee.

It's only me and Scarlet left behind, although she's unaware I'm still here. I fold a few garments and place some heels back into a closed rack. Organisation is key, according to Fox, and I'm keen on mastering the skill despite my messy closet at home.

I glance up towards Scarlet's office every once in a while. She works beyond the rest of her cohort, and it seems she is nowhere near ready to go home. The floor reflects the time of night. It's quiet and dark, only a gentle golden light brightening the space enough to see.

The silence allows me time to think back on this afternoon. Standing in Scarlet's office after listening to Fox's stupid advice has left me no closer to getting under the woman's skin.

I don't want anything extravagant or romantic. I just want to know if, in some crazy world, I would stand a chance. I know that her little flirtation game is only another element of her personality, and as Fox said, if she wanted me, I'd know about it.

Looking over at my list, I pause at the sound of Scarlet's heels against the cold marble below. I swallow, standing a little straighter when her office door opens a little wider.

She looks across the room and furrows her brow when she finds me. "What are you still doing here?"

I lift the list and wave it beside my head as she draws closer. "Fox had a lot of stuff for me to do today", I sigh. "I didn't want to leave and come back to it tomorrow."

Scarlet takes the list from my palm and rolls her eyes. "That little fucker", she huffs before screwing the list into a tight ball. "It's not your job to clean up after those girls. They have hands."

I widen my eyes slightly. "Oh, I just thought he wanted to stay on top of things." I explain, "He said that a messy floor means a messy workflow."

She chuckles. "I knew him having an assistant would make him lazy," She twists her fingers through the bottom of her hair. "You shouldn't be here after hours either. I don't pay you after six."

"Oh, I know." I stumble, glancing around as if the tasks completed would jump out and commend me for doing a good job. "I just know how important it is that things are done in a place like this."

She arches a brow. "Is that right?" I struggle to read her expression, "I'm glad your work ethic is better than Fox's. Getting that man to do his job is like pulling teeth."

I nod. "I gathered."

Scarlet places both hands on her hips with a deep breath while looking out the window beside us in thought, "You know. I may have a job for you that would help me out a lot."

"Yes. Of course, anything?" I reply quickly, biting her hand off for the opportunity to impress.

She shakes her head and steps back with a stern expression. "Never agree to anything before you know what it is, new girl." She directs, "You're in control, nobody else."

I nod back with darkening cheeks.

"I have some fabrics I want to body map before I leave. I was going to use a mannequin, but the real thing will make my life a lot easier when it comes to wearability." She looks me up and down. "Thanks to your little game earlier. I can now utilise you for something other than paperwork."

"It was Fox's idea", I defend. "I didn't mean to disturb you."

She ignores me and turns with a powerful strut towards her office, which I'm subliminally convinced to follow. I close the door behind us as if the floor outside is still bouncing with prominent personalities and loud chattering.

Scarlet walks towards her desk and reaches into a box beside her. She pulls out an extended canopy of beige silk and grabs a pair of scissors from a table near the wall. I never really took the time to observe her craft station. I'm sure she has a better name for it, but the array of needles and tools has me wondering just how hands-on she is.

"All I need you to do is stand still while I cut and drape." She explains, unrolling the silk with a concentrated stare. "If at any point you want to stop and go home, tell me." Her eyes glance up and meet me halfway. "Understood?"

"Understood." I look down at my outfit and clear my throat. "Same as earlier, or?"

She pauses, looking me up and down before shaking her head. "Shirt off." She confirms, "If that's okay with you."

Of course it is. As much as I consider myself to be a shy girl by nature, the idea of Scarlet seeing me half-naked sends a twisted shiver down the back of my shoulder blades.

I lift the shirt over my head and toss it aside. She watches me the entire time, and although her expression is still, I can feel the pause in her stare.

She walks towards me and lifts the silk against my ribs. She twists the fabric and folds it with a pin or two. I watch her momentarily but am quickly drawn to stare at her features.

Her sharp, black winged liner is perfect, decorated with a muted shadow and hint of subtle gold. I'm drawn to her lips, too, plump yet expressive. I know I'm here, but something about being face-to-face with Scarlet Ramirez has me wondering if this is all just some crazy dream.

"So", Scarlet speaks, unbothered by the previous silence. "What was the real reason earlier? You know when you came into my office with orders from Fox."

I swallow hard and shake my head. "It was nothing," I reply anxiously, feeling a flush of heat envelope my arms when those bright green eyes lift to stare at me. "Really." I lie.

She knows I'm being dishonest, but I'd rather die than admit I was trying my luck at some harmless flirting.

Scarlet pulls the silk around my upper body and continues to poke pins into its flesh. "I'd be careful letting Fox pull you into his little games," she advises. "You wouldn't want to get in trouble now, would you?"

Her eyes look up again, this time with a deeper stare than before. "No." I stammer, "Of course not."

She laughs and shakes her head, turning towards her table of tools to root for a strange-looking clamp. "You know. It really is a shame you can't tell me the truth." She remarks, walking towards me with the tape measure, "It wouldn't have taken much for me to play along."

I widen my eyes and swallow. "What?" Scarlet smirks, looking down at the garment rather than my face. "You knew?"

She looks up with a wink. "I knew."

I'm too embarrassed to say another word. I try, but the intimidating presence of her knowledge has me nailed to the spot in silence. She isn't bothered by the awkward tension. I'm sure she doesn't even feel it.

A few minutes pass by, and when stepping back to admire her work, I can't help but wonder what Scarlet's thinking about. She knows. She knows I was trying to flirt with her.

"That's good", she finishes, placing the remaining pins on her desk. "I just need to cut the side so I can hand it over to Ember."

I allow her to slide the cold scissors against my ribs, jerking with the metal while a notable smirk creeps across her lips. "What?" I ask confidently, "Why are you smiling like that?"

She shrugs, pulling the garment away from my body. "No reason."

I furrow my brow. "No reason?" I question, "Why can't you tell me?"

I reach beside for my shirt and slide it back over my head while she places the material behind "Go home and get some rest. Just because you're here late, doesn't mean you get a pass for being late in the morning."

I chuckle. "I'm never late." I defend, "You didn't answer my question either."

She paces behind her desk and sits with a smile. "Goodnight, new girl."

Knowing I'm at a loss, I turn towards the door with a sigh. "Fine. I get it," I hum, walking to meet the floor. "Oh, and my name is Mila, not new girl."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now