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Mila twists and spins with Willow on the dance floor, her vibrant smile so bright and genuine that I can almost feel the relief in her soul. I'm relieved, overwhelmed by the resolution of our strange triangle. Admittedly, I still feel strange about the whole Harlow thing, but I guess time will tell if she's really going to stay true to her promise.

I approach her cautiously, making sure not to seem desperate as I pull her arm from the clients she's pretending to care about. She smiles and waves goodbye before following me to the bathroom, her expression curious yet calm.

"You ok?" She laughs awkwardly, looking me up and down as I back myself into the wall and fold my arms against my chest.

"I just wanted to talk about this properly." Her eyes widen.

"In a club?" She gasps. "Scar, this can wait?"

I shake my head. "I need to be sure." I say quickly, a slight panic slipping through my words. "I need to know this is really ok. I don't want anything to ruin what we have with Teddy and I just-

"Scarlet." She interrupts, reaching for my hands with a soft smile. "I love that boy more than anyone in the world. I'm not going anywhere, ok? I'd rather die than never see him again."

I look down at the ground. "I know that." I admit. "I just worried that our arrangement would have changed things."

"Friends with benefits is cool." She laughs. "It's easy and it's convenient, but it's not the be all and end all. I love you, and I love him. You being happy means so much to me, and don't forget, I've been begging you to fall in love for years. It's about time I find someone too."

I smile back, a small smirk tugging at my lips. "I think Mila's little friend is a good choice."

She winks. "I know. I'm just waiting for the right moment."

"Maybe you could utilise an assistant?" Her brows quirk. "We've never had the budget, but I think with our new merger, there may be some wriggle room."

She jumps on the spot and claps her hands. "No way! For real?" I nod. "Scarlet, yes!" She squeals. "This is going to make my life so much easier."

"I know, and I'm sorry you've had to take on so much lately. I really appreciate it."

"My pleasure, Angel." She sighs. "Well, if Willow is up for grabs?"

I shrug with a smirk. "I guess you'll have to hold an interview soon then, huh?"

She runs toward me for a hug and wraps her arms tight around my shoulders. It feels nice, fresh and warm as if the anxiety in my veins suddenly decides to escape. I pull back and look her in the eye, she's happy, and to be honest, that's all I've ever wanted.


Scarlet shoves her key into the lock and yawns, her heels clipping as we enter the lobby of her home. "I don't hear any little ones." She chuckles. "Fox must have worn them out."

"Thank god." I reply. "It's a lot easier taking her home when she's tired."

She turns to me while taking off her heels. "You can stay, you know." Her voice is hesitant, asking me, rather than telling me. "It's late, and there's no point in waking her up."

I cock a brow. "That's your reasoning?" I play her at her own game and walk past her through the hall. "I am flattered, Scarlet."

I can hear her chuckle as I enter the kitchen. "Oh hey." Fox smiles. "Good night?"

I nod, a smirk forming in my smile. "You could say that."

"Oh?" He bends his elbows into the counter and purses his lips. "Is all forgiven?"

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now