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Morning sun slithers through the windows of my office. Stark rays of white carve large triangles into the floor, and the scent of fresh bakery goods flood my senses despite being ten feet away.

Mila did a number on me last night. I tried to sleep for over an hour, but the phantom sensation of her hot, and might I say experienced tongue lingered between my thighs for longer than expected.

She took Maisie home after a small tantrum in the kitchen. She was tired and couldn't sleep without her pink unicorn blanket. I didn't mind, but part of me mused the idea of Mila staying over again. I like the company, and I like her especially.

I chose to wear my signature black gown today. I like the way the back drops all the way down to the top of my ass. The front too, it exposes just enough cleavage to be sexual yet classy. I'd say it's the killer combo for world domination, but really, the success lies within my ability to negotiate.

Today, the dress will serve me perfectly. Lake Underwood is meeting with me to discuss the launch of a new merge. I hope to buy his company, and in doing so, the Underwood brand will die along with its threatening legacy. I don't do threats. Lake is financially unstable, and I intend to take full advantage.

"Good morning, angel." Harlow strides toward my desk in a stunning Ramirez two piece. She waves a bag of sweet treats beside her head and places it beside my bag. "I'm going to assume you need the carbs after servicing your beautiful assistant all night."

"Maybe the carbs should send to Mila. I had no part in the manual labour."

Harlow cocks her sharp brow. "Oh really?" She wonders toward the cabinet and begins pouring me a glass of strawberry infused water. "How was that?"

A smirk tugs at my lips. "She's talented."

"Happy for you." She smiles. "Pretty little thing with a gorgeous attitude. You'd be hard pressed to find another like her."

My eyes study Harlow intensely. The hint of jealousy in her voice is alarming. "I won't compare you both."

"I never asked you to." Her tone hardens. "I'm happy you have someone to be excited over."

"Speaking of." I wave a document beside my head and smile. "Underwood is looking to be a dream come true."

Harlow fixes her gaze on the paper. "They sent over the terms. That's great. I assume you're going to low ball the bid?"


"Million?" Harlow's shock thrills me. "Scar, Lake made it pretty clear he's looking for well over seven."

I chuckle. "If I had a dime for every hole in this guys account history, I'd be able to pay him off right now."

"No way." Harlow lunges for the document and examines the figures highlighted in bold. "How did you find this stuff? I had all hands on deck for plot drops."

"Maybe you should hire some better hands." I wink at Harlow, but I can almost see the delicate frustration bubbling within her veins. "I had Mario look over the accounts. Turns out, he loves to hire and fire his monetary requirements."

"So he's haemorrhaging profits?"

"Better." I stand from my desk and meet Harlow by the cabinet. "He's in debt."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now